Fundamentals Series


I already have the First Aid series streaming videos but I am wondering if the Fundamentals series goes more into detail with the posture and the toileting? It all gets very expensive and I don't want to spend money if it will be of no benefit to what I already have access to. I'm working on the posture daily but the toileting is so hard. I think mainly because my legs are not strong enough. I have a cystocele which is keeping me from emptying my bladder - or I'm assuming it is because the bulge is still quite large after I pee.


Hi Help.Hope,
The fundamentals just covers the basics that are already described in the First Aid videos, so it would be redundant to get those. Just keep going over your materials, because things don't all make sense at once, but can take time for each ah-ha moment to happen.
Yes, I remember the lack of a good flow when urinating, it can be frustrating. Throw in some firebreathing before and after going to the bathroom as this helps pull those organs into a better placement for proper elimination.
And, most of all, be patient with your body and this process; it will start to become more clear as you continue this very important work.