Are Straws Ok?


Under the heading of "no question is crazy" it ok to drink through a straw? I was reading some of the older posts on the forum and someone mentioned that when you drink through a straw, you do an "involuntary kegel". I'm not sure if that is true, but I drink through a straw every day. If it's something that could be making me worse, I'd like to know.


Ha! That's interesting; you never know what you are going to find on the forum. Personally, drinking from straws never affected me one way or the other, but other can chime in if they disagree.
But, I am reading more and more how bad straws are for the environment and especially the sea turtles, so maybe we should all refrain from drinking with straws.
Good question.

Glad you didn't think it was a crazy question! I gave up the plastic straws a little over a year ago and bought stainless steel. Just wash them at the end of the day. I like to drink my tea through them every day :)

Ah yes, I've heard of those! Thanks for bringing that up, but if anyone has a differing opinion on drinking from straws in general, please let us know your thoughts.

I find that the extra air I take in when I drink through a straw makes me bloated.

I find that the extra air I take in when I drink through a straw makes me bloated.

I find that the extra air I take in when I drink through a straw makes me bloated.

Hi Sick and tired,
Many things can make us feel bloated. Have you tried not drinking from straws to see if that is the real culprit?

I have addressed bloating in many ways. I have changed my diet dramatically and know what foods I should avoid. Don't listen to the doctors that think that one type of diet fits all. I needed to discover what works for me! Straws are only a small part of the picture. : )