Estrogen cream usage?


Has anyone been advised to use estrogen cream on their prolapse? I have been in the hospital 7 times since the first of the year and it has done a real number on my stage 4 prolapse. The doctor has suggested that I rub the prolapse with estogen cream to get the inflamation down and to thicken the skin. I am just curious as to whether this advice has been given to anyone else. I am also considering the surgery where they sew you completely closed, thus trapping the prolapse inside. The only drawback to this surgery is supposed to be no sex. Thanks for any info. you might have. Cinder60

This is often prescribed to thicken the tissues and make the symptoms of prolapse less prominent. Doctors often try to convince women that topical estrogen used in this way, does not enter the system and is therefore safer (totally false).

No sex will be the least of your problems if you decide on surgery to close the vagina off. You have been on this forum for many years and I'm wondering if you've studied any of Christine's work? - Surviving

I kind of came to the same conclusion. The doctor put one dose in and I used a small amount the next night. I am now in a lot of pain and the prolapse is actually worse. I have always used vasoline and lanoline and they have kept it nice and moist. However, due to other issues and the fact that the prolapse started out as a stage 3 I have never found the exercises to work. I have never been able to physically push the prolapse back inside. I have had great luck with the diets and other information on this site. I wouldn't even be considering any type of surgery except that my kidneys are impacted by the prolapse and I am looking at dialiss (sp) if something doesn't change. And yes, I have read all of Christine's books, which I have found very helpful. I was just wondering if anyone else had a bad reaction to the estrogen cream or whether it had helped anyone. I read most of the sites that talk about it here, but didn't see anything that related to my question. I am unable to get in to see my gyn until the end of the month. I haven't tried the honey because all of our farmer's markets sell pasturized honey and I have no idea where to get raw honey. I have a number of other issues which is why I have been in the hospital so often and overall life hasn't been real great for the past 2 years. I just don't want to have a severe infection on top of everything else. Thank you. Cinder60

I have a smaller rectal prolapse that was denied on my insurance. They suggested "more conservative" measures, like a pessary. I do not want that. This is not for everyone, but this helped me: I am still a bit sexually active at 68, so I was already using compounded estrogen and very small amts of testoserone. It is also the consensus of my 68 yr old lady friend (not my partner) that these two hormones have given us some relief. Rubbing testoserone in the perianal region can thicken the tissue and estrogen plumps it up also, making it less symptomatic. When I first realized nearly two years ago that there was an issue, I wanted the surgery right away. I am glad I delayed it. Between posture, even more agressive fiber,especially soluble, the exercises/practice, re considering which exercises may make it worse, I still have it, but it is now tolerable. Last year my gyno said she could correct the prolapse, and it likely could be appealed, and approved. However, she said at my age she could not guarantee that I could still be intimate. Someone younger may use dilators, but as the body ages, she conceded that may not happen. My boyfriend has noticed that I am "wider" in certain positions, but this can be remedied by changing positions. I also tried at first using coconut oil as the only option, but it was messy, and really did not help consistently. Even if I did not have a boyfriend, I would not do this unless the situation became unbearable. The chances of the doctor using mesh makes me hesitant. I had a hysto 9 1/2 yrs ago, emergency, and mesh was used. I am OK, but, of course having no cervix changes response for me. The mesh seems to be holding, but we are very gentlely intimate. If you are interested in a balanced documentary about mesh, consider the one called "Bleeding", sorry I cannot recall the name. It is on Netflix. Mesh can cause horrible problems in some women. I do have difficulty pooping, having to digitally remove the very first start of stool. It is gross, but I am careful not to be rough or insert very far. 3 bananas, ripe, a day makes me be able to go without the digital thing. But.. who wants to eat 3 a day, and be borderline diabetic? I eat two, use 2 stool softeners, and some sugar free fiber, mostly whole grains, and veggies. I agree with the previous poster. Closing the vagina and not being able to have sex, may be the least of the problems. Hope this helps.

I was told to use the estrogen cream and that it was a "magic formula" - not the way for me - because of the health risks - just not worth it as it could go up to the breast tissue and then I would be another breast cancer victim (evidence based approachs) So the exercises are very hard work and I realise I have to really be determined and courageous otherwise they wont work!
I will win the battle of the prolapse! by hard work and determination

Don't feel that you need to overdo with the exercises. Take them at your own pace. What is most important is learning to live and move in the posture. You are really doing the WW work all day long...regardless of how often you exercise. Keep up the good work! - Surviving

ellicat: Thanks for the info. My main issue at this point is that the prolapse is splotchy red and looks like it has measles. I've never had that before and can't get into the doctor until the end of the month. I think the two days of estrogen cream contributed to the issue and I don't know if it is serious or just another part of the whole prolapse issue.

I've been dealing with POP for over 4 years now. Don't think it can be any worse. In order to pass urine, I have to push on prolapse and have recently noticed occ bleeding. Has anyone else had this experience??

Have Whole Woman techniques helped you at all? Posture and toileting as Christine teaches them, should give you some relief. What kind of prolapse do you have, and, have you had any surgeries? The bleeding is another matter - maybe something you should get checked out. - Surviving

PS: Occult bleeding? This is by definition, not just something you would notice, but is only revealed by lab tests.

You should be able to find raw organic honey in a health food store (or on line if you have nowhere to purchase it locally). - Surviving

Tried everything. Was told skin is being irritated to use a lubricant every day!It is not occult blood, but visible and bright red. Glad it stops and only happens occasionally. Thanks for your comments.

Burning Pain and irritation- I read about soothing with lanolin or Vaseline. But I had years ago a Bartholomew cyst n Dr said from a clogged pore it comes sometimes n could’ve been from a lubrication. That was horrible. Now with rectocele and cystocele lately I have a raw burning sensation. Any suggestions? I read to take pain medication

Hi Genesis2,
I had a burning sensation early on with my prolapse, and I tried the raw local honey as suggested by Christine and it helped tremendously.

But, I also dove right into the whole woman work and it helped lift my pelvic organs into better positioning and that burning sensation went away, just because they weren't all squished into my vagina anymore.

It could also be caused by vaginal dryness that many post menopausal women and some postpartum experience. But, again the raw local honey is a great healer and promotes good bacterial growth for all over vaginal health.

Can you tell us a little more about yourself and what you have been doing with the whole woman work? That way we can better pin point areas we can help you best.

I discovered rectocele bulge 2.5 yrs ago.
I worked last 10yrs mostly sitting. I’m 67 and recently laid off. So working 40 hours a week I didn’t have time to be on blog before.
I did read it initially because I never heard of it much before and working w all ages of women that talk about everything it surprised me when I went into Gyn office with my husband and found out what it was.
I have pressure n pain. Usually in evening but last 3 days pain n burning. I was on vacation and took a peri- colace laxative that I’m think caused irritation and then went grocery shopping and carried lots of grocery bags in.

I feel stuck today not moving around much n took some meds

Hi Genesis2,
Be sure to look around on this site as well; there is so much helpful information here to get you going again.

It is the whole woman posture that helps pull our pelvic organs out of the vaginal space and into the lower belly. Then most of those nagging symptoms will lessen.

And, try the honey; it may surprise you in its effectiveness.