Diet help


Hi, I got prolapse of all organs 13 years ago after the birth of my first child. I found the whole woman site within the first couple years and a couple years after each baby I noticed improvement with my prolapse symptoms. I mostly did the posture and thought I ate pretty healthy. However, a couple months ago my prolapse symptoms have gotten worse and it is making me very uncomfortable. I have so much pressure. I think it is from the rectocele but I can't figure out why it has gotten worse. I am wondering if I changed something without knowing. I was wondering if people could share how they eat to help their prolapse and maybe I can figure out what I have changed or what I can try to help.


Hi mom0201,
You're right, diet can play a part in maintaining healthy lighter bowels, so they run smoother and put less pressure on our prolapses. Diet can also be very personal; I know mine was quite a journey! You can find many helpful threads and many different views on diet here on the forum, but I think one really important thing to add if you haven't is fermented food, as well as taking out the processed foods as much as possible.
If you haven't seen it, Christine has a video on gut bacteria and our health in the store. It's an excellent video that explains a lot and helps put things in perspective:

What else have you been doing with your posture work? Sometimes when we have a set back, it is good to pull out the old videos and review them to get ourselves back on track again. I always felt like I was starting form square one when I had a set back, and getting back to the basics always helped.