Secondary issues about to do me in...


It's been awhile since I've posted here because my significant prolapse issues without a uterus are not much effected by the usual WW approach, at least not for me, but I'm still managing with an ever present rectocele bulge that most of the time feels like a water balloon crowning a bit beyond my vaginal opening. I wear a V2 supporter all the time except when I'm sleeping at night. Anyway, this summer some secondary issues have reared their heads and are about to do me in. These include some significant hemorrhoids that are about to itch me to death! Also, there are what I think could be tears in the tissue between my anus and the rear of my vaginal opening. When I look with a mirror, they are open and red...and very much burn...esp. when my rectocele bulge drops and seems to "pull" the bowel down at the back. I have been using various over the counter products for both of these issues (hemorrhoid creams, suppositories, coconut oil with creams that have zinc oxide, etc.). I take baths in Epsom salts, I make sure the areas are dry (with the cool setting on my hair dryer) before applying creams or ointments...but it seems that regularly emptying my bowels keeps everything raw and active. My BMS are not hard and there is no heavy straining (I take Magnesium supplements along with some Miralax to avoid this, I also eat plenty of veggies, limited whole grains, enough proteins and fats, and drink adequate water. I also still walk 2 miles each morning, and ride my bike several miles a week).

I'm wondering if there is something else I could be doing to remedy the tears at least before I resign myself to seeing the Dr. I am not keen on considering surgery for hemorrhoids as I've read this can create other issues for those with rectocele. I don't want to use Hydrocortozol creams as they tend to thin the skin, but the itching of the hemmies is hard to ignore. The tears will improve in proportion to how bad my bulge is, but when my bulge seems to remain full and dropped, the tears, well, re-tear open. It's been a challenge this summer to say the least.

Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thank you.

Hi Cecily,
Witchhazel can be very soothing. Also, Christine has talked about using honey in the anus as well for it's healing properties. I recently had some itchy painful hemorrhoids, and did apply some honey in and around my anus. It helped with the pain almost immediately.
And, I would keep up on the epsom salt baths; those are very therapeutic and soothing for our nether regions. I also add lavender oil to the water to make it extra relaxing as well.
If you haven't looked already, there are posts on the forum about anal itching that may have some more helpful hints.

Thank you so very much Aging gracefully. I knew about honey for vaginal health, but not for the other. I will try that. I've seen some Epsom salts mixtures containing lavender oil as well as some with coconut oil. I may give the lavender mix a go too and pick up some oil. Again, thank you.

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