Question for Christine/Rectocele


My girlfried has a diagnosed rectocele, though I don't know if she has other problems. She wanted me to ask you if your posture method would improve it or if she should "go under the knife." She wants the information from an authority; I guess I don't qualify.

She noticed it when she had difficulty with constipation and her rectal area was bulging. So...I told her I would ask you on her behalf.

Thanks from her for the information.


Hi Sybille,

Diet, posture, clothing, movement (tell her to work extra hard lifting and firming her buns) will probably take care of it completely. There's no half-way here, so if she wants to avoid the knife, she'd better get serious about lifestyle change.

:-) Christine

p.s. I loved the observation you made about kids and the young pregnant woman's's so true. Look at any two-year-old and you will see their shoulders, hips, knees and feet perfectly aligned and their head leading their body by being held up and forward with chin drawn in. It's such a wonder that we modern folks believe ourselves to be so very advanced, yet the reality is many of us begin to devolve a more ape-like posture with age as our head begins to sag and lean forward...just like Neanderthal!

"Lifting" what? - so she asks. I told her I would write you AGAIN as she is not listening to me. Could you give her the primary grade version. Geez! And we have been friends for 58 years. And granted...I don't want to see her go under the knife, either. Oh...she is also saying that she gets sharp not really consistent aches, once in a while, in the front of her body where she thinks her bladder is when she has to "sit on the throne". You have your homework cut out. Thanks, Christine


Send her my July 26th response to Frances on this forum under the title "spinal condition." Here I explain first aid for rectocele that she should do morning and night. Also, build the gluteals by walking uphill and climbing stairs. No constipation! I don't know what her bladder discomfort is, but this work takes care of so many such aches and pains.

Thanks Christine for you prompt reply. She left here stating she is going to start working on her "butt muscles, all saggy ones." What a kick she is.


Hi Christine!

I tried that exercise you offered my friend and have one question. When lifting the leg, does one hold it for a certain count or slowly do the exercise without any sustained hold? Thanks for sharing. I think I might have overlooked the directions.

By the way, my friend is tickle pink that she is "taking charge" although now is afraid that if she has to sit, the same bulge will be felt. I told her if she does this exercise and strength those muscle, she shouldn't feel anything. I hope I told her the right answer because she sure is feeling upbeat about the whole thing.


It's a slow, controlled pumping. Hope your friend understands that a few exercises won't do it...she needs to get the pressure off the rectocele at all times.