This sucks


Is it too awful to talk about? It seems pretty awful right now. I have just discovered my prolapse 7 weeks after a traumatic vaginal birth. I’m freaking out. I even smoked cigarettes! I’m trying to take care of my baby who needs constant physical therapy due to the difficult birth. The last thing I need is for my uterus to fall out. Now, I can't gripe without noting the positives; of which are two--I have a supportive helpful partner and really good baby who rarely cries and sleeps through the night. Thankfully, mom is on her way here from another state. But you know what?? That’s hard to remember when I am nearly paralyzed with the fear my innards could possibly tumble out. Oh sure my organs have yet to sing the last song and slip to the great beyond. I just hope I can find my way through the bogged down medical system to find the appropriate care. Has the compassion of health providers been trampled upon? Oh, the time restraints of the insurance machine. Where has all the compassion gone within our health care system?

Hi Edithcake,

I feel for you and relate strongly to your feelings of shock and distress. I would imagine these are intensified further by your difficult delivery, and the extra special care your baby is needing right now. You are still in the very early post partum period as well with hormones running amock, and exhaustion being the over riding feeling.

However, you have come to a place of support where many of us can relate to all that you are going through so stop, and take a couple of deep breaths, and try not to get overwhelmed by the fear. There are several of us Mums who have gone through this too and have survived well to tell the tale for others to read. Try to read some of the posts here as they may well make you feel less isolated. Also read the FAQ's all about the posture. I believe that this, along with dietary changes, some restrained kegels, and natural post partum healing, helped to improve my uterine prolapse no end. Lysa, another young post partum Mum has posted here the past few days to say she has seen improvement after her prolapse, and many women do post partum depending upon their circumstances.

As well as this, get all the help you need right now, rest as much as you can, and fully take advantage of your family and supportive partner. We should all try to do this after having a baby anyway, prolapse or no prolapse if we are able.

Take your time getting medical opinions with this too, nothing is literally going to fall right out, and you may hear conflicting information which you need to consider carefully.

Let us know here if you need more support as you go and take care. Congratulations too on the birth of your little one! :)



I think we have all been through the fear everything is about to hit the floor but wait......


remember in the first year things can get alot better on their own...

Read through ths site and do not get into surgery until you have ALL the information at hand...

No I am not telling you to not have surgery - If after you have the information you choose this then that is your choice - This is all about YOU and choice - Your choice!

Read read read and see how other people feel.

i myself arrived here a year ago with a grade 2 uterine prolapse - Was a pain to walk - and made me soooooooo scared

Over this past year I have been to see many people and have researched many things.

Today I can happily say that with no surgery I had a pessary my evil dr rammed in me for 18 hours till the damn thing came out lol - but my mother has a pessary and hers was fine)

After the pessary and my evil dr I now have 3 prolapses - Yup - all 3

But today I do not have any problems as the posture has helped me no end and now i do not notice that heavy feeling at all really (Maybe the day before my period sometimes - but not in this past 2 mths)

So I would say impliment what you can from this site - Email me :) we can chat - enjoy your baby and attempt relaxation...

This is something nearly every woman who has given birth has a degree of (According to my Gynae)

Yours may be bad - but it CAN get better - it can be liveable with - And you are in the arms of a loving family of women here who will help you 10000%

We are all here for you - It is a group hugging you close

Remember - You are woman - You are strong - And we are here



It really does pass - the terrible fear and mourning many of us have felt at the start. I felt pretty nervous-breakdowny myself at the time and really didn't think anyone could have felt like i did. But a year on and little change in my bladder 'cele or anything else and it really is most of the time at the back of my mind. Especialy when i'm happy with life in other way's.

Plus remember you had, as you said in you're own words a pretty traumatic birthing experience so you're also coming to terms with that and being a new mom at the same time. Huge changes. When things settle you'll be better able to get back to yourself.

Best wishes
