Breathing and posture


I realize that posture is very important, and I can also feel that my breathing has an impact on my prolapses. Should I be inhaling out into my belly, up into my lungs, or some combination of the two? Should I try to pull in my belly with every exhale? I'm just not sure how to breathe in the posture...

In natural breathing, the respiratory diaphragm moves down to the level of the last pair of ribs. In doing so it pushes the abdominal organs, bladder, and uterine fundus (body) down and forward. In this way the pelvic organs are pinned into position by the forces intraabdominal pressure. The abdominal wall expands outward to accomodate this movement. We have major muscles of inspiration, but no major muscles of expiration, because the chest merely recoils.

You can force exhalation and use your abdominals, but I wouldn't recommend it except in periodic exercise, like WWFirebreathing.

Just stay in the posture, relax your belly, breathe through your nose as much as you can, think healing thoughts, and let your breath take its natural course.

I was working yesterday and moving thousand of pounds of cargo and running around all over the place. When I sat down, it felt weird. I think everything had dropped down a little more in that time and I just had this urge to do handstands against a wall. Do you think that would make a difference if I did do it. The only reason I didnt do it is because I am the only woman in my shop and noone needs to know that I am adjusting my bladder and uterus right there in the break room. Plus I would look rediculous doing that and the commander walk in. Geeze, thats a scary thought.


Bend over at the waist and take a couple of wwfirebreaths...the repositioning is instantaneous and more anatomically helpful than upside down.