

A few words about exercise...check with your doctor first, but from my standpoint you can do about anything you want as long as you do it in the right shape. Walking in the posture and cycling are very good. Jomama, you have it right-on about the angles of the body. All right angles and smaller (acute) stabilize the pelvic organs, while angles greater than 90 degrees (obtuse) cause undue pressure. Stay in the posture and keep breathing deeply through your lower belly. The transverse abdominal muscles, which automatically pull your tummy in with every exhalation, are exercised 24 hour a day when we learn to breathe in this way. The key is holding the organs over the TRUE pelvic floor, which are the flat pubic bones that come together underneath you like the straps of a saddle. Western science has accidently misinterpreted the position of the human pelvis for over 500 years, and now it's like a giant elephant in the closet that no one (who has any clue) is acknowledging.

It is completely accurate to visualize your pelvis as a saddle you are riding in. Become good equestrians and sit up high in that saddle while holding your upper body in perfect form.