

Hi all. It's been awhile since I was able to spend some time on the internet. I have a lot of posts to read since the last I checked! My pregnancy is moving along smoothly. I have actually had some relief of my prolapse. Occassionally, it will flare up but I find soaking in the bath seems to relieve the discomfort. I am in my 21st week of pregnancy and will be having my 3rd sonogram tomorrow evening - hopefully we'll be able to determine the sex! I am amazed (and a bit concerned) about how incredibly low this baby is sitting! I am not sure anatomically where my bladder is right now but the baby sure puts a lot of pressure on my pelvic floor - kicks a lot down there, too! My other 2 sonograms have shown a healthy baby with a healthy heartbeat. Tomorrow they will do all the measurements. The first few months were kinda rough - nauseasness-wise and exhaustion-wise but I am feeling much better and will be on this site more frequently as there is so much information to learn. Christine, I have decided to go ahead with a c-section rather than try vaginal - partly due to the prolapse but also to my spinal fusion surgery/pain, etc. I had a csection 14 years ago and they did an "up and down" cut. Does it make any difference for my prolapse whether they just recut along that line or bikini type cut? I've heard that they move your bladder when they do a csection. I'm going to talk to the ob/gyn tomorrow to see what he thinks but any info ahead of time might be useful. It's good to see so many others have posted and that so much information is being shared about prolapse!

Hi Jennifer!


Thanks for your response. Just to clarify - the rod is fused in my spine. From around T3 through L4, I think.
Had some real great feedback from my ob/gyn about having the c-section versus vaginal due to the prolapse. He suggested I check with the uro/gyn about which type of incision to have and I told him, he doesn't really seem to care much since he thinks I'm having surgery by him after this baby comes. I explained some of your ideas with the dr. and he said "anything you can do to avoid prolapse surgery - try it!" He said he will be "extra gentle" during the c-section and even will probably do it in week 37 (as long as baby's lungs are developed by then) rather than wait - making the baby that much larger and causing that much more pressure on my bladder, etc. He already says SHE (yes - it's a she!!!) will be over 9 lbs (strange - as at 5 1/2 months pregnant, I only weigh 129 lbs myself but I've already had an 8 1/2 pounder and a 9 pounder!) so to take her early would benefit my prolapse greatly!

If there is anyone out there who could offer some advice as to the muscle damage/lack of in having either a bikini cut or the up and down cut, I'd appreciate your feedback.



Regarding your c section. From what I've heard, if you've had a vertical incision, you MUST have a subsequent c section and cannot have a vbac. I believe vertical incisions are supposed to be more invasive and require longer recovery times. But I don't know if you would need to have another vertical incision since you had one the first time. Hope this helps.


Thanks Pam! I did have a vertical csection 14 years ago and then had a vbac almost 8 years ago! There wasn't any discussion that I couldn't have it! But now that I have prolapse and back fusion/problems, we are opting for a csetion. Thanks for your information! Everything is helpful at this point!

Wow! Shows you what I know. That is what my then OB/GYN had told me anyhow. Good luck on your birth!!