sex and prolapse


hi ladies it has been a long time since i was last on the forum.
i thought i would fill you in on how im doing.i went to my gp who basicaly said i would have to deal with itthe best way i could and the ONLY way to fix a prolapse was surgery.

i dont know if you will remember when i first jioned this forum but i was having big marrage problems as i had lost a little boy at 18wks pg to spina bifida and my husband had had a vasectomy without my knowing(obviusly i knew after the fact).

we have now resolved our differances and are on the road to recovery.

i tell you all this as i think ,part of us getting our act together in life and in bed had helped my prolapse.

do you think the saying'use it or loss it' is true?

since having sex again my prolapse has improved to the point that it is just an irratation not an induance.does this make sence?

could having sex and using my vaginal walls and pelivc floor realy have helped?

any thoughts on this matter?


I think it does!!!! Everything contracts in there and I believe it makes all of the muscles stronger because they are being used. Unfortunately, my dh has an extremely low drive so I'm never able to convince him to do it more than once every couple of months or so. But, the few times that I am able to get him to do it a couple times in a week, I notice that everything feels so much stronger.

Good for you, keep it up!!!

First, glad to hear your marriage is healing - that's great news! Also, thanks for sharing the info, because although I've heard sex is not harmful, and maybe even helpful, I'm still shy about it since my prolapse. The more I hear from women like you, the more confident I feel about it. So, thanks again! Glor

I would agree with the above commenters - I really think that sex does more than just 'ram it back up' I think that natural muscular contractions up there give somehow an 'inner woprkout' and for days after I have noticed I feel more 'in the right places' inside.



I've noticed that after sex, if I've had an orgasm- everything is tighter and drawn up more inside. If I've had sex without orgasm, it's drooping down like normal.

Kinda gives us a goal to shoot for, in rehabb-ing the muscles down there!

Hi Serena

I am so happy that you have renewed your marriage. Hopefully it will be the marriage you have always wanted. I too had a miracle in the form of a busted up marriage which has turned into a wonderful marriage, so I can relate to your joy. There needs to be more of this in the world. It is truly life affirming!

Yes, I think that "Use it or lose it" is a truism, in many ways. So is "practice makes perfect". Whether it is recovering from a stroke, or a pelvic floor injury, or getting your sex life on track, or learning to write, we are not going to get better at anything without a lot of meaningful and purposeful practice.

I would guess that you feel pretty good about your body now, partly from making friends with it (including the prolapses), and partly because you are cherished by by your husband. There is nothing like a good relationship to make me feel good about myself, and make me want to carry myself proudly and joyfully with evrything tucked up inside me.

I'm not so sure about how an orgasm affects my prolapses, other than to agree that after relaxed, unhurried sex, my body feels very alive and good, orgasm or not. I also think that sexual arousal fills up a lot of spaces in the pelvis, and fine tunes all the pelvic nerves, which has to make your body behave itself better when given an instruction!! (Like "Stay high up, love bits!"). I am afraid that after an orgasm I tend to lose track of myself for a while, and can't really string two words together, let alone think about where all my organs are. But I will next time.

