Advise on a second pregnancy


Our daughter should have had a C section. Her baby was almost 11 lbs. She had bladder failure after birth then gradually gained some measure of control. Her doctor advises her once she is done with children, surgery, followed by depends will likely be the future. She is pregnant with a second child. She must decide if she has a C section or a vaginal delivery. She is reluctant to have a C section as figures the delivery would be so much easier given the fact she had such a large baby in the first place.
Will a second delivery make things worse? Or does it depend upon the size of the baby. Anyone have any advise on this?

It is most likely the position she was forced to birth in at the hospital that helped create the damage more than the actual size of the baby. My first 7#11oz was born via c/s as dr. said my pelvis was too small. My second was born 8#5oz vaginally at home in a squatting position with two wonderful midwives with no episotomy and a small "skidmark". My third was born 8#2oz after a 2 1/2 labor with no injury to my pelvic floor. This birth was so nontraumatic that I was actually feeling amourous three days after his birth. I didn't act on it :), but I felt as if I could.

I am of the belief that her body has already stretched once to accomdate a fairly large child and that it should "remember" that stretch and not cause damage. This is only my personal opinion and my own personal experience. I hated recovery from my c/s and I believe that the peeling of my bladder from my uterus and the removal of my uterus from body to examine it after the c/s were what actually set me up for pelvic organ prolapse.