I think I have solved it!


I think I have finally found something that works for the constipation. I have been taking 2 flaxseed oil capsules and 2 psyllium husk capsules before bed and everday since doing that I have gone without any problems at all!

I hope it continues as that will be one thing I can stop stressing about.


ATS, that is wonderful news! What a relief for you. Kit

That's great news Anita. Hope your success continues. Like all things, be prepared for temporary setbacks, and trust your body to work as it was designed to do.

No worrying though, as I am sure that worrying, conscious or unconscious, is a major factor!

Just a little caution to All on flax seeds (not oil). A friend of mine who has had haemorrhoids since the birth of her two children tells me that she discovered that the whole flax seeds found in multigrain bread continually played havoc with her haemarrhoids, giving her really bad stinging pain and bleeding during defaecation. She put it down to the sharp pointy ends digging into the haemmarrhoid itself on the way past and causing the bleeding. She stopped eating bread with flax seeds and the problem has gone away. I don't know if she has tried grinding the flax seed, but is going to give it a try, as it is no doubt cheaper than the oil capsules. She is keen to try ground flax for hot flushes. I will keep you posted.

I am wondering if she actually has a fissure as well as the haemarrhoid, though I guess it doesn't really matter as she has now solved the problem.



that is great news. i keep meaning to post to you on this, but posting moments are few and far between. but i'm really glad you have found a solution.
i think that the relaxing is crucial, so hopefully you will have an upward spiral of not feeling so down with this --> less constipation --> less angst!

take care and keep us updated,

I too have constipation issues due to my love of chocolate, and would consider using aids like flaxseed oil, etc, if I didn't worry that it would make my bowels lazy. What do you think?

thats wonderful news! it's always great to find what works for you!