ww covergirl


Hi Alemama,

I was so moved when I read your earlier post about how your mom had taken photos of you when you were playing and in every one you were in perfect posture. My husband asked me why I was crying!

To say the least, it has been difficult to teach this through words only (and one dvd), but even without ever having seen you, I would have to say that you have “graduated” from the whole woman program!

I just wanted to tell you that if you want to send me one of those pictures we would put it up (maybe even replacing those tired ones in the FAQs) as our Whole Woman Covergirl!

Lots of love,


my mom has the digital pictures- she sent me a Kodak easy share link which I can view but not do anything else with. So I will get her to send you the ones- knock knock I need to remember pictures :)

where do I email to?

Love to see these pics :-)


Look into the eyes - They hold the key!

Good thinking Christine. I think it is important that there are pictures of real women of different ages and shapes on the FAQ's. I find that seeing only slim women under 30 illustrating anything at all can be quite offputting, because the images, particularly those illustrating fashion, are designed to be exclusive and barely attainable. If I know I am wearing something fashionable I usually feel better (more acceptable?) aesthetically, even if I don't feel really comfortable. Have a look at the women and girls you see at the Mall and you will see the degree of success that most women achieve when trying to emulate the lovelies in the women's magazines!

What we need is lots of different Members, so that women can find a body in the gallery that they can relate to their own bod.

I'll throw down the gauntlet to all women, including myself (yikes!) to send through a photo of themselves in snugly fitting clothing, in WW posture, so you can pick the pinups. No captions needed, and no Photoshopping the images before sending them! You'll probably never speak to me after this!!



we'd need to make the gallery private only for members

Well Soupy, What about if we blur the faces? Photoshop does have some very useful tools.

Yipes, we don't have to be identified! Hey, we could put Britney Spears' head on them all or some other fool, just for a laugh! And we don't have to be naked; they would be just pictures of women standing and sitting in WW posture. Just a plain, anonymous background and wearing a mid coloured t-shirt or tank top and leggings or dance pants or even closely fitting trackie daks would do, so we can see unlocked knees and feet straight, lumbar curve, loose belly, high boobs, low relaxed shoulders, chin slightly tucked. All this in side view and front view, sitting and standing.

It is so hard to see a body form when the model is wearing really light or really dark clothing unless the photographer knows what they are doing. You can't go wrong with colours that are in the middle. Any point and shoot can do it. And remember to take it with a normal lens (50mm) or stand back a bit and zoom in. Wide angle (what happens when you zoom out) make people look FAT!

Remember that nobody has to do it, but I reckon it would be useful to have up to, maybe twenty or so anonymous photos?

What do others think of this idea?

And I wonder what Christine and Lanny will think of my meddling?




Great idea. What if the pictures were taken side view with the head turned away?


Change what you can change; be happy with what you cannot.

We have a photo gallery already set up and ready to go. Personally, I'd love to see real pictures of each other rather than blurs, shop-jobs, or - Heaven forbid - Britney!

We talked about this ages ago, but got sidetracked with whether or not to put up a 'clinical' gallery.

I received some darling ones of Alemama today, so who's next?

[email protected]

was wondering who would have access to the gallery?
only members I would hope
and maybe only members who themselves have shared photos?
