Toronto/GTA moms?


Hi everyone: I am not having any luck finding a midwife up here in Ontario, Canada. The way it works is midwives are all covered by the government, and there are particular locals depending on where you live. I live in a city just ourtside of Toronto. My due date will be late July, so I was told most of them are on vacation and there is really no chance of my getting one (I've been put on a waiting list). To get a Toronto midwife I'd have to live in Toronto.
I'm thinking the next best route is to find a good birthing centre and possibly a doula.
Any recommendations? I was psyched about getting a midwife, but what can ya do?

I am afraid I have no answers for you as I am in the UK but did not want your question to be left unanswered.

I can't imagine not having a Midwife when pregnant. In the UK we just get the midwife that is registered with our doctors practice and when we go into labour we get whoever is on duty at the time. I personally didn't like this system as I had a great caring midwife throughout my pregnancy but then about 4 weeks before I was due she left the practice and I was handed over to someone else whom I did not like. Then when I went into labour I had 3 different midwives throughout the process and at one point I was told to stop pushing so they could handover!

If I could have afforded it and looking back I would have found a lovely birthing centre and doula or personal midwife who was with me throughout.

I hope you find a great birthing centre and all goes well.

Best wishes.


Thanks for your kind words. I'm frustrated with our medical system here.

Is there any way to send private messages on these forums?
I may have some information for you on midwives/doulas in the area (I know a doula in the area).
Also try

The importance of the role of midwife cannot be overestimated! In reading this thread I was reminded of this delightful scene from the birth of my granddaughter:

After the baby was born and mommy and baby comfortably settled into bed, one of the midwives received a phone call. She gave the caller her complete attention for as long as she reasonably could. When she hung up she looked at me, slightly exasperated, and said, “Some of them never leave us.” Further explanation revealed it was one of her former birth mothers who was having trouble with her “baby”…a big, strapping sixteen year-old! Who did she call? Her midwife, of course!

Hi Gracemom: Thanks for your help. I've checked out the site. If you don't mind maybe giving me her first name or whatever you are comfortable with, I could look at the site again and figure out who you mean. Thanks!

Hi Grasshopper and Gracemom

The Forum is a great way to check for good practitioners, but we would prefer that you keep conversations about individuals off the Forum. I noticed that you both have enabled email contact, so how about private emailing each other so you can discuss specifics?? Hope it is a fruitful outcome.



Hello: I'm not sure how to get to someone's e-mail. If a doula's first name is mentioned in a positive, helpful light, I don't see how it is a problem. I'll definitely e-mail if it is a problem (just don't know how to find address).

If you click on the username it will come up with 3 headings view, track and contact. If they have enabled this feature you can contact them privately this way.

Hope this helps.


Thanks A: Gracemom, I've edited my profile, so hopefully there should be a contact option. : )

Hi Grasshopper

Sorry for the confusion. As I saw my screen you both had email enabled, but I may have different Permissions on the Forum.

The issue with names is not really about whether or not they are mentioned in a positive light. It is more about people being seen as being endorsed or not by Wholewoman. It is so easy to email privately which avoids Wholewoman being involved. I think that is what it is about, anyway. Hope you are OK with this.



I figured that real names etc. shouldn't be given over the forums. Grasshopper, I sent you an email.