can it bleed?


Hi there!

I went to my doctors to talk to her about the pregnancy and the prolapse situation and she was less than helpful - just pretty much told me to sit tight, try and ignore any pain (as we have no way of knowing if it is normal pregnancy pain, prolapse or something more sinister), make it to my six week scan and then call the midwives - in other words, bog off and be someone else's problem. So I wasn't too happy on that front.

In the past week the prolapse still keeps coming down and I have been doing OK with a combination of the pelvic floor exercises and pushing it back in manually.

Today it has been particularly troublesome and won't stay up - I have a nasty case of trapped wind that isn't helping either. Tonight I have pushed it up again for the second time today, and I noticed a tiny spot of blood on the toilet paper - very small.

My question is, can the prolapse get sore and bleed a little if it is aggravated?

I am very scared I am going to lose this baby too, and it's my fiance's birthday today - of all days for it to pick!!!

Bleeding whilst pregnant is very scary indeed. I've had 4 pregnancies, 2 ended in miscarriage and then I had my son and daughter. I had unknown bleeding in the first 3 months whist carrying both my son and daughter and it really freaked me out. Sometimes we get bleeding and there are never any answers as to why it happens.

Pushing your prolapse back in regularly might be upsetting things. My sister had a bad bleed during her second pregnancy when the nurse at her doctors surgery took a swab to check her for infection. The tissues can be very sensitive at this time. I know how uncomfortable prolapse can be but if you can leave it alone that might help things settle. During the second trimester the uterus lifts above the pelvic bone and you may feel much more comfortable. There are ladies on here who have had babies after discovering their prolapses and will be much more helpful than I with this as I discovered my prolapse on recently and my dauther is now 17 months.

Is there any way you can call the midwives?

I know how worried you are feeling but try and stay calm. If it was just a spot and has stopped it may simply have been irritated skin from your prolapse. Put your feet up and take it easy.

I wish you all the best.


Thank you for your advice, and I am very sorry to hear of your losses, it must have been a very difficult time for you.

I was wondering about too much contact with it causing it to get sore, but I am just scared it is going to get worse!

My GP is not forthcoming at all with information, it is why I am looking to the web, and have found this site. I still don't even know which type of prolapse I have just that I have one!!

I have read in other posts in here that it does get easier once I am into the second trimester and things move up, and at this stage of 5 weeks, I am only praying that I get that far.

In the UK the midwives are only available 9-5 5 days a weeks and only if you are registered with them, which I am not yet (hopefully after a successful scan on the 10th dec). I would have to telephone NHS direct, who from past experience will just tell me to relax and put my feet up, if it gets worse go to the A&E dept or else wait until the doctors open on Monday! (It was this that led me to have 5 weeks of hell last time, as everyone just diagnosed me over the phone and I didn't get to see anyone).

I have been to the toilet since and there was no spot - so hopefully all it was was a bit of too much with the loo roll.

Sorry to sound stupid, but will it be ok if my prolapse is "hanging", I just worry it will fall out from the pressure?

I am in the UK to! We have an early pregnancy emergency department which is open 9-5 Mondays to Fridays and I have frequented that department many times! I know in this area you see the midwife quite early on to register.

It is so frustrating when you cannot get to see someone who you feel is understanding of your situation.

I am glad that there is no more bleeding. I cannot help you with regards to the prolapse hanging thing as I have not had experience of prolpase and pregnancy. Granolamom always springs to mind with these things although there are other ladies who have had babies since prolapse who would be able to help you.

Can you call the midwives at the hospital just to get some advice? I've done it myself in desperation and they have been helpful.

I would say I cannot believe that they would leave you in this state not knowing what is going on down there but we are talking about the NHS here! I would try and ring the midwives at the hospital or if you can wait until Monday demand that your GP help you. If you are in a lot of discomfort they cannot just leave you like that.

I'll keep checking back if you want let me know how you get on.

I really do wish you the best and hope that you get this sorted.


Sadly my hospital doesn't have an early pregnancy emergency unit - it is all in the fetal health unit - and they are the ones whe kept telling me to wait until my 11 week scan in January, so I don't have a lot of faith in them (when the fertility clinic put me through to them to arrange my 6 week scan it was the same nurse as before and she kept making a point of tellng me that "I don't want to scare you but you should be prepared that the prolapse could drop and you could miscarry again").

If I need them on Monday, I am going to ask for a different doctor, as I have lost faith in my current one where the prolapse is concerned - I had initally asked for her as I wanted a woman to examine me, but I think I'm going to bite the bullet and risk a man!!!

Thank you very much for your advice, and I hope to post back with some better news another day. This site really is full of amazing women who are all so knowledgeble and willing to offer advice and support, even having been through some awful times themselves. I started reading Christine's book this morning too, and already have taken on board some useful pointers, and I may get the courage to get a mirror and try and see if I can tell what type of prolapse I have...

I feel frustrated for you. Someone really needs to help you and that nurse sounds really sympathetic - NOT!

I know what you mean about being examined by a man but you may find he is much more helpful and on the ball - so to speak! There are ladies on here who have had further children despite having prolapse so having a prolapse should not prevent you from extending your family.

Take care of yourself, put your feet up for the weekend and take it easy and tackle it all on Monday.

I'm off to bed now as I am sure the kids will have me up at the crack of dawn.

Take care,


I had some bleeding (with cramping and low back pain) with my third pg, at around 5 weeks or so and went on to have a perfectly normal pg and healthy baby. so hopefully so will you!
my guess is that a prolapse *could* bleed especially if you're poking and prodding at it alot. but of course there's no way I could know if that's why you're bleeding. It frustrates me to no end to read that there is no one available to you for consultation.

I hope the bleeding and the pain turn out to be nothing
do keep us posted

So sorry you are experiencing all this. Early pregnancy when you have had fertility treatment can be a risky time (been there) and all the intervention you have probably had to date may have left your body feeling a little battered. I also have pain memories of that time, but fortunately it all worked out well for us both times.

Just to add a comment to A's comment. When you put your feet up keep a pillow behind your lumbar region or under your legs so you can keep your lumbar curve whenever you can. Also if you do find your prolapse really low try getting down on all fours and let your belly drop as low as it will with ease, or just bend forward at the hips while standing so the offending organ can go back to where it belongs, rather than pushing it back with your fingers (which usually involves straightening the lumbar curve and flopping your organs back over the pelvic floor). A little lubricant applied carefully and gently when the prolapse is down may help it slide back to its home, over the pubic bone, less traumatically than pushing it back.

It is a little like Little Bo Peep. Ya just gotta let this little foetus get on with deciding for itself whether or not it is viable, and make its own way for a short time. There is not a lot you can do other than giving it a comfortable little nest and not disturbing it too much. Good luck my dear.



Thanks for all the advice everyone.

Thankfully I got up this morning and the prolapse has gone back up and there has been no more blood (touchwood).

It seems to be I am OK first thing in the morning, so it is becoming more and more obvious that the less I do the better it all behaves - not an easy notion with a three year old and a fiance who works shifts!! lol

Your advice makes more and more sense as this goes on, so I am going to have to do bit less housework and get bloke to do it hee hee :) I have spent most of the day sat on the sofa and have had no problems, except for the worst case of wind to date, but I think it was blocked yesterday, which could have made the pain I had.

After reading about posture I have also found that leaning forward when I go to the loo helps things better, so this is all a learning curve for me - I'm so glad I've found this site and everyone.

Hopefully I won't need the doc tomorrow now, but if I do I'll probably come back to make sure I am given good medical advice ;)

Hi there,

Yes, you can bleed in pregnancy and everything be okay, but your carer should be let known about it and can check things out if they're not okay.

I've had two different types of bleeds during pregnancy. For my first, I bled in the 10th week. It was more a bright red and went for a few days. Because it went for a few days the GP sent me for a scan and it turned out I'd had a little haemmorhage around the placenta but it was nothing to worry about.

The one I had this time was about 8 weeks. This was a very pale light bleed (brownish pink). This sounds more like what you've had. After sex women often have this type of bleed (which is what happened to me). The blood vessels in the cervix are very engorged during pregnancy so it's quite common to have a bleed like this. You only have to be careful about very heavy penetration. I'd say this is what you've had from pushing the POP back up. The bleed wasn't because of the POP itself, just the engorged cervix being 'knocked'. You should be okay to continue what you're doing if you've been given the all clear. I haven't had a bleed with sex since that one time.

I hope that eases your mind a little.

Hi Woodynjinx, how are you doing?

Did you go and see your GP? I hope you have been able to take things a bit easier and that the prolapse is behaving itself!

I know its hard when your other half works shifts, mine does too. He is on nights at the moment which means I get to look after the kids by myself for 4 days. Its not so bad but it does mean alot more running around and on those uncomfortable days its hard.

Take care,


Hi there!!

Touchwood I seem to be OK at the moment, thanks for asking :)

Now I'm reassured it won't actually fall out I've calmed down about it a little.

I've also asked for a footstool at work so I can put my feet right out in front of me under my desk and they gave me a bucket!! It works, even if it looks funny!!

I haven't been to see my gp, as I'm still trying to decide which one I should ask for, and also I have my early scan this coming Monday, so I'm going to try and hold out until then when I actually see a midwife - there are a couple so if I'm lucky I won't see the less than tactful one!!

If it does start to bleed again, though, I am going straight to gp.

I've also bought some natural progesterone cream to see avout having just a little to try and keep everything on track.

Thanks once again for asking, I hope you are keeping well xxx

Hi Woodynjinx

Not sure about that! Please check with your midwife. Hormones are powerful and interact with each other. I wouldn't be using anything in early pregnancy without my health professional knowing about it, natural or not. This is a very precious pregnancy.


I agree with Louise, natural or not you really should speak with your GP or midwife. You could be using a hormone you do not need and you do not want to upset the balance of things. I know how precious this and every pregnancy is and I do understand your fears but please check first.

Take care,


Thanks both for your thought :) I have researched this a lot, as given my gp just gave me the brush off.

Everything I searched for on the web had no side effects, and I have trawled through a lot of medical sites as well as the ones selling the stuff.

I was a bit worried once it actually arrived, but I am only putting a tiny dab on once a day and that will only be up until week 13 (all being well) and then I will phase it out as my placenta should then take over.

My consultant back in August did say that he thought we hadn't conceived number 2 because of a hormone imbalance, as we have been trying since my son who is now 3 yrs 4 months old was six months, and he was going to give me clomid in february if I hadn't conceived in the six months following my laparoscopy, and this is why I felt that looking into the progesterone was so necessary.

I'll mention it to the midwives on monday but again they were in denial about my last miscarriage so it is likely I may just take them with a pinch of salt too.

I am on another mothers message board, which has a ttc section, and I have posted in there to see if anyone does come up with bad side effects, but nothing so far...