It's me again!


Ok, today I have a symptom that does usually come and go but today it is persistent and is driving me nuts!

I have a burning/stinging sensation around the opening of my urethra. It is at its worst after I have had a wee and I can usually calm it down by sitting on a hard surface (i.e. the floor) for about 10 mins or so but today it has lasted for hours. I am absolutely certain this is not an infection as this does seem to come and go alot and I am not needing to wee more than usual. I have started to take D-Mannose just in case and I guess I really should make the effort to drink more as I have had very little to drink today. I also have this feeling like things are bulging more inside and it feels almost like the opening of the urethra and vagina are getting bigger - its a strange and worrying sensation.

Can anyone else relate to what I am feeling?


P.S. If you develop a urethracele can you become incontinent with that? My stress incontinence disappeared a while ago but lately I feel like I could lose control at any moment despite having just emptied my bladder.

Yes, I think I have something very similar to you but I've never really been able to pinpoint what it is. I used to get it very bad and GPs always just said it was a UTI but then when I would be tested I'd come up clear.

I think it's to do with the uterine POP but can't be sure because I was never properly diagnosed. I make sure I drink loads of water. That's the most important thing. Take a drink bottle with you everywhere and have sips throughout the day. It's especially important in hot weather. I also take Ural - a bicarb mixture you can get from the chemist. I hope that's useful to you and helps with it all.

Hey ATS,
I too periodically have that same odd sensation and agree it points to hydration - that's
my hunch anyways. I am NOT a "checker" but I have started to document my condition
because I am convinced the hormonal cycle causes a real ebb and flow. Maybe then I won't
get so blind-sided by the bad days.
I have been doing better. My poverty has been so extreme that I haven't gotten Christine's
book yet. A little rebellion too maybe... I've always been so fit and "in my body". I danced and
hiked a lot. From what I've read here the talk of posture describes the return of a lumbar curve,
so I have been playing with this and it feels so odd. Downright silly- sticking my butt and boobs
out ! Unless it's a coincidence.. but I Have been having a good spell. I'll keep you posted
Hugs to you girl - Hang in there. Oh - and I don't know if it will help but try this little visual..
When you get to looking at the whole mountain, remind yourself that you can't ski it all at once...
One turn at a time will get you down even the hairiest black diamond run. Find your own language
obviously, but I too feel like it's almost my duty to look at the big picture... But remind yourself
that there are SO many assumptions made when doing that, and pull your focus back to the moment.
That is the only thing we can really control -Ya know ? And with all I have been through with this
cursed condition I think my extreme fear has been the worst of it. I have been dealing with it long
enough to see the ebb and flow that follows my monthly cycle and I am beginning to accept and not
just grab stuff and move it, and I often take little breaks...It's teaching me to listen closely to my body and
be kind to myself. I'm letting go of the ego of being so capable and independent. Is there something
maybe you aren't giving up ? Are you looking at all the little things ? Like how your car seat is positioned
etc.? I hope I've helped a little...

I am only just starting to document how I am feeling to make a comparisong or if there is any connection to bad and good days. I found during my last period things were great and I was pretty much symptom free. In fact the day my period finished I have noted that I felt fantastic. Then as the month has gone on its been an up and down thing but these last couple of days something feels really strange. I am on about day 19 of a 25-28 day cycle and am not sure if hormones are changing and things are just more slack. Its all quite stressful as I don't want to do anything again - just sit or lie down. When I walk I feel like there is something stuck in my urethra so I can only imagine that this is now prolapsing as well and it feels horrible. The whole front wall is just a saggy mess. The Maya Massage and posture have relieved the pressure of my uterus sitting on top of everything but as that lifted out of the way my bladder just sagged underneath and is really irritable.

I have given up ALL heavy lifting (well apart from my daughter but I limit that), the car seat is a tricky one as I just cannot keep in posture. I can keep my lumbar curve but is impossible to lift my chest up. The shape of the seat just prevents me from doing it and I have to say that I don't like spending alot of time in the car. I am getting continually frustrated with the state of the house and I am not doing half as much housework as I used to and its hard. I am not used to living like this. I like everything to be neat and tidy and in its place but these days its chaos and its making me miserable. I take it one room at a time and only do one a day but by the following day the kids and my husband have created another mess. I used to do the whole house in one day from top to bottom and boy am I peeved I can't do that any more!

I fact my parents are coming to visit today and I really had better try and tidy up a little as its embarassing.

I am so glad you are finding a place of acceptance and are feeling better. You sounded so down when I last spoke with you.

Take care,


I just wanted to tell you that I feel the same frustration with not getting things done in the house. I used to be non-stop and with time I just had to accept this new pace. Some days I still want to be in denial and get so mad. But then I have to keep reminding myself that those things are NOT important. It is so hard to accept this some days.