V2 Supporter


Hi everyone,

I have a question for those of you who have used suport garments such as the V2 suporter. Would they work to provide support to reduce the risk from jarring exercise such as running? The main reason I don't like to run now is because it is so darn uncomfortable. I can feel my vaginal walls bouncing, and I feel like I have to hold it all in which is exhausting. The uterus is not an issue at all. Would some support be helpful do you think and might the V2 provide enough? Just wondering before I rush out an lay down more cash for something, though I am willing to try whatever it takes :)

Thank you all in advance!

If you decide to get it let me know how it is.
Good luck !

I had to wear one for god awful varicose veins during my last pregnancy!
I hated it It chafed and It felt like a jock strap... I dont think it will help for your wall problems. Its like labia compression. JMO -Jodi

The cure for vaginal depression ?

It does sound like something I try to imitate for
about one week per month... interesting.

Here's my Recipe for a cheap homemade one -
1 butt long ace bandage
1 object of the appropriate size and yieldiness.
Carefully swaddle any offending bulges for relief
as needed. Bathroom visits require planning.
Dr. Zelda

Just found a post from mumwitheone about how the V2 is useful for exercise for her.
(Haven't been reading the forum closely for some time). This is good enough for me to try it out. I will report back once I have saved a little money to get it and experimented. :)

First, Under Music and Healing, ATS said to Zelda---My bottom feels so darn heavy and I don't know what to do about it. Damn rectocele! (then) What kind of furniture do you make? Talk about a topic switch! Then, in this thread, Zelda says, among other things...one butt long ace bandage. I am laughing so much I have tears running down my face. Bless you two. You were a gift to my day. It's been a long one and I really needed to laugh. Carry on...you're doing so well. Love, Kit

Hi UKMommy,

Yes, I'm using a V2 supporter during my second pregnancy, thanks to a heads up about it from Granolamom.

It's been fantastic for me, I wish I'd known about them sooner.

It's helpful to me for exactly the reasons you describe. It pushes against the vagina so I don't feel that draggy, saggy feeling so much and everything feels a bit more 'held in place' - a bit like if you try and hold everything up with an open hand. It's great for cystocele, which sounds like what you're feeling? That is my main discomfort. I don't wear it 24/7, it gets a bit uncomfortable after several hours, but it's fantastic for walking, exercise and when I'm on my feet a lot during the day and start feeling like I need to sit down all the time. I really notice the difference when I take it off. I use it for my dancing classes especially.

Not everyone finds it helpful but I think it can be great! I'd highly recommend it anyway and I'm pretty sure the suppliers have a return policy for a short time - but you might want to check that out on the site.

Thanks Mumwithone, I appreciate the feedback! I will give it a go. I can't imagine it will do any harm, or no more than having no support at all. :)

I have one as well and it helps a lot but it is not comfortable for long periods. It helps me feel like I don't have to always hold it all in. So I wear it when I'll be on my feet. The thing I don't like is you can't just wear it with anything though because you can see the straps through...During my pregnancy I got to the point that is didn't even help at the end anymore because the pressure from the weight of the baby was just too much.

Thanks Mommynow! How is that little one of yours now, and how have you been feeling now that you are several months post partum?

I feel better but I honestly didn't start to have better days until 2 months pp and that was only infrequently. At 3 months I started to have better days more often where I can actually go to the store (with the v2supporter) for short periods of time). For the first two months I felt like I couldn't even stand for a few moments without the feeling being unbearable. I did not expect to feel that bad since I had done Christine's work before. I am still working on the posture daily and started doing some exercises from the video (before 3 months everytime I did anything I would start to bleed again). The first three months were very long and frustrating especially with a toddler who was getting house bound. I still can not walk long distances and don't know if I ever will so sometime after 6 months I will be going to the gyno to see about trying a pessary for long distances like when I want to take my girls on an excursion or for exercise. I want to at least try it. I can't imagine running even with the v2supporter. I would love to be able to do that again.

I was skeptical that much of the "gadgetry" could really help and Pessaries make
me nervous. I am definitely hopeful that this may be the temporary little crutch I need
to resume my "activities". My time is so limited to go researching anything these days...
where are you finding the best price - for Usa ?
Thanks so much for another little piece of my puzzle ? it's about time to stop ignoring
my body along with my efforts to ignore POP. I bumped into a member of my dancing
circle that thought i had moved. "Health problems" fell off my tongue,and hasn't sat well
in my heart. i just get so damn sad sometimes. progress, as I used to be just mostly mad.

My current plan of action when finances permit is to get a V2, and some sea sponges, and use both for running. I am guessing that the internal support, along with the external support will be quite effective. Not exactly glamorous but hey, whatever it takes! :) I would be so happy to get just a couple of miles in each day. It would make the world of difference to my mental well being, and I imagine that you are in the same place with your hikes Zelda, and you with your exercise and activities with the kids Mommynow!

I just got back from a brisk walk with short bursts of running and I feel so good. I really do thrive on aerobic exercise, it lifts me so much mentally, if not in other ways. It's wierd because nothing feels any different after I do this, it just feels so wierd while I am running. Ho hum.

Mommynow, I would definitely give a pessery a try. I have a feeling that if you get one fitted properly that you will feel completely liberated, and although it might seem daunting for now, you may well use it and forget it is even there which is the goal for us all right?? I still think of you often as we came here about the same time. You are so strong through all of this, quite amazing actually, and I send you hugs and love! Enjoy your little one! x

Thank you UKmummy. I had a pretty rough afternoon with my daughter sick and my prolapse feeling bad. Your post really cheered me up. I think I will wait until at least 6 months pp to make sure everything is healed and then FORCE myself to go see the doctor!