Pulling sensation


Another new sensation I have just developed is a pulling feeling in the front of my abdomen. Is this because the prolapses are worsening and pulling on all the fascia etc? I can feel it just whilst sitting here.

.. I would say its also feels a little like a full feeling, a bit like when you are pregnant and your uterus is growing. No I am DEFINATELY NOT pregnant!

Could be the fascia tightening up as everything goes back where you'd like it to be :)

I hope that doesn't sound flippant, but it is a sensation I've noticed too....I've no idea what it means, but I choose to imagine it means that everything is getting better, tightening up etc...At the same time I listen to my body and take it a bit easier for a few days...after all if it is a healing sensation then I want to give it the maximum chance to do its stuff!


Another symptom I can check off as being normal!