I noticed...


I noticed that when I click on my name it tells me I have been here for one year and 50 weeks (I was sure it would be about a year longer than that lol)

Anyways that tells me that when I got here - It was peeking and was a uterine prolapse being the problem, I could feel it when I walked - Very annoying...

Then I got into posture and it went away within about a month or two. So I had a year and and about 7 1/2 months peace or thereabouts - Then this...

Makes me wonder to myself - If I get used to how it is now - Does this mean in 1.5yrs it will suddenly get worse and jump to the next (lower) level...

I do hope not as once it went back in and I couldn't feel it all the time I really felt so *thinks of word* so... EMPOWERED - I felt so empowered that I had really done something and it woul be ok...

Prolly got complacent maybe...

So - In a week or so I will have been on here for 2 years, and I guess its feeling like two steps forward two steps back right at this minute...

Now just hafta work out how to take those forward steps again, make it go back in a bit so its now always reminding me of it's prescence (Evil thing)


Hafta find a way - Hate Doctors and don't trust them or believe a word they say so not going toget their 'advice' - Hafta find a way myself to get this thing back outta my way...



*Typo... Who made up that word - Is that my new middle name*

I have noticed that alot of the members who have been around a while also have the been here 1 year 50 weeks on their member status. I think the forum was updated around then so it could very well be you have been here longer.

I know I arrived in about an August - I am sure I did, but I don't remember to be honest...

'Wonders how to find out the date I really got here lol'


Look into the eyes - They hold the key...