BM & Urination question


Now, this is quite TMI, but I was wondering something..

before my prolapses when I would go number two, I'd pee then go number two. then be done. Well, now its in the opposite order. I cannot pee when I sit down, ony a few drops come out, then I poo, then the urine just comes flying out of me. I literally cannot stop it, or control it. Once I finish, I have control again over my bladder. It seems so odd to me now, but maybe its normal.
I'm thinking my rectocele prohibits the urine from coming out, and then when its empitied it makes room for my bladder and it is able to release urine? I don't know, that made more sense in my mind!

i do know that when i have a BM I then have to pee numerous times, like my bladder keeps filling up. it's gotten tons better since my prolapses have improved, but still there a bit or more if i drink something like coffee. i'm guessing that everything is kind of collapsing on each other, so that urine is backing up will it can just release!

Makes sense to me. Most of the time I stand up and lean forward to urinate. (Besides I have this thing with public toilets) With poo's, I am in the posture position, lift my heals and relax, letting things glide through. Very little pushing and I think magnesium helps with that. 750mg of magnesium citrate. Colace keeps poo's soft.


Hi ihearted

Yep, that's me too. It has been happening for years, and I just figured that all my pelvic organs are kind of leaning on each other and on top of each other these days, so of course things get temporarily squashed. Also, when the stool moves along the bowel it is bound to press on the bladder on the way past. I look at it as a pretty normal thing these days, and don't worry about it.

