New and question about products



I'm new here, and am so glad to have found it. I have a bladder prolapse which is due to probably large babies and exercising too early and too hard after giving birth.

I amm interested in purchasing Christine's book and DVD. I'm wondering if anyone knows if the book on Amazon includes the DVD?? Also, is the First Aid DVD and the DVD that is advertised w/ the book different? I want them both if there are two. :) Thank you in advance, and I will post a better intro when I have a few more minutes. Thanks!


Oops, I think I see that the first aid dvd is different then what is included in the book. So my question would be - is it like a workout dvd? Also, is the one that is included w/ the book like a workout dvd as well? I wish I knew if Amazon had the dvd w/ it! Thanks!


Welcome to the forum. The book includes a CD of music to do with the Ballet Workout which is explained in the book. In the First Aid for Prolapse DVD Christine explains what POP is and demonstrates how to move around in day to day life and has a small workout. Make sure if you purchase the book from Amazon you buy the blue cover version as that is the latest with all the up to date information.

The posture is also explained on the home page under the FAQ's section.

Look forward to hearing more from you.


Edit : I think you can only buy the DVD First Aid from Christine's Wholewoman store.

Thank you for the wecome Anita. I understand now better! So, is the first aid DVD worth purchasing? It's awfully pricey and I don't want to purchase it if it's not worth the $40. I know you can't put a price on health, but I just want to make sure other people found it useful too. Thanks!


I have taken a quote from an old post of Christine's:-

The book is the only one of its kind and tells the true story of prolapse.

Many women have found the dvd useful. It contains a long anatomy lesson, a short, strategic exercise routine and other information on diet and lifestyle.

It does say not to do the exercises when menstruating or pregnant.

Hope that helps.


and I am glad of it.....but. Well I used the DVD early PostPartum- if you are already in good shape you could probably move right on into the ballet workout. The DVD is valuable if you are a visual learner- you can actually see Christine sitting and standing and running in the posture which helps if you don't really "get it" from reading the descriptions. It plays like a lecture (think college) and is a little boring in parts (sorry Christine- I took anatomy and physiology and love it but some of the indepth decriptions I had to watch over and over to really "get it" and YAWN- but I still love your work...) all you see is Christine standing there talking and holding bones-I really wanted animations or something. Still I would buy it again- You can exercise right along with the exercise part- however it isn't strenuous- just feels really good.

I hope this review doesn't sound ungreatful- I live b/c of this book and DVD.

Thank you for your thoughts :) So, as I understand the ballet workout is what is in the book? Could you tell me how long the exercise portion is on the dvd please - thanks!


I would say the exercise portion of the DVD only lasts about 10 minutes so if you want a workout I would say the ballet workout is far more challenging. Once you understand the posture and protecting your organs you could go back to what you were doing exercise wise but just being more mindful of your pelvic region and not putting any stress on that area i.e. sit ups/crunches are not good. Thats pretty much what the ladies on here do and some still run as does Christine.

Hope that helps.

I know its all a bit ming boggling at first but its really a case of finding out what you feel comfortable with and once you have learned the posture and read the book you will know to be careful about certain movements.


Thank you so much for your help Anita. So just to confirm - the ballet workout is just text/pictures that is inside the book. There is not a DVD, right? I am an avid exerciser through DVDs and I think in having a DVD it would help me a lot. It sounds like I need this book regardless though :)



Yes I too like to have DVD's and something I can watch. I think these are things Christine is working on so we will have more exercise DVD's and perhaps internet classes in the future. For now its in the book.

If you get the book you will at least know more about what is happening to your body and can adapt what exercise you do now so you can continue to exercise, but yes the book is the prolapsed womans bible!


Forgot to answer that yes the Ballet workout is text and pictures which are accompanied by the music cd in the back.

I'm also more of a visual learner. it took me a while to 'get' the exercises in the book, but I did, so I'm sure you can too!
also, I sorta pick and choose parts of the ballet workout as I don't have time or stamina to do the whole thing. its a great workout though, the book, imo, is a definite must.