Question about the exercises


Hi I'm Debbie 39 mother of two children (21 months and 4 months). I'm going to just jump in as I do not have much time. I am impressed with all the information and support on this forum. Unfortunately I do not have time to simulate my whole story. I was diagnosed with a cystocele after the birth of my first child and now I was also told I have uterovaginal prolapse. I have Christine's book and video. I have been doing the exercises for 3 days and practicing the posture for 2 weeks. I have noticed a shift in my organs. Before I started the exercise my cervix was hanging outside my vigina now it seems to be more to the back. My bladder is a little lower or maybe shifted and somewhat irritated. The bulge feeling is less. Is this normal when beginning the exercise?
I am thankful for Christine's work and for all of you that have shared your stories.
Deb D.

Welcome Debbie,

Not enough time has passed or data collected to evaluate what is normal progression of the organs once the posture/exercises have been instituted. I would expect a bit of irritation as all the organs are being called to shift and move into new positions. Hopefully some other members will chime in here and give you additional feedback. I did not experience what you describe, as my bladder is permanently sewn to my abdominal wall, but have often lamented that if it could come down a bit my cervix would have better support.

I'm so glad to hear of your results!


Thank you for your reply. I think it would be great to keep data on all the women that join this forum. Since I have joined 2 weeks ago there are 10 more members. Maybe it could be a voluntary part of the registration. It would be interesting to see if there is a common link. As I'm sure there are many women that have poor posture and bad diets and give birth to large babies that do not prolapse. It could be possible that some of us had careless doctors. Your theory on the women

Dear Deb,

I will keep careful records of all the women I work with in person at my center in Albuquerque. I

I have been working this program for almost a year (I think) and very rarely now feel the prolapses. I think I have more problems when having a BM, but that is minor. I walk every day and ride a stationary bike daily. I mainly rely on the posture as my way of keeping things in check and it has worked. I do this sitting, walking and even going to the bathroom. I am so used to it - anything else is not "normal."


Hi Christine,

Thank you so much for your response. I looked over the link you mentioned regarding yoga; it gives me a lot of hope. I never realized that my condition of scoliosis could affect other areas of my body. I never let it hamper me from doing anything - I used to be very active in sports. I'm not very clear on the walk you described. I'll ask my husband to view your email maybe he'll get it and explain it to me.

To be honest I thought scoliosis was just something I had to live with and never tried to search the web for information. As a young girl I was given the option of a brace - NOT for me as the curve was already there and it wouldn't improve it. BTW I had a friend that had the rod placed in his back and as a result of the operation became paralyzed. I decided to live with the cosmetic malformation.

I'm not sure how all these posts work but I have another topic, so I guess I should start with another subject incase others are interested.


I find this all so interesting!!!

I can't say thank you enough (to everyone here) for calling all of this to my attention...before my misplaced uterus (tipped and low) gets any worse, and now I can work, like everyone here, at correcting my posture etc.

I had just had a moment of enlightenment while reading this...I had a horrible skiing accident when I was 9 yrs. old, took a very hard fall and injured my tailbone. It has hurt every day since, and I think EVERYthing got mis-aligned then.

I think it is AMAZING that women are able to reshape their internal organs with posture and exercise and help heal themselves this way!!!!