Urogyn (or reg gyn) in Philly area?


We're new to this area, Bucks county just north of Philly, and I would so much appreciate a recommendation for a urogyn, or regular gyn, somewhere in the Philly area. I've had mild prolapse symptoms for years (I'm a senior) and lately it's getting quite a bit worse. I can feel a smallish bulge in the front wall of my vagina, and thankfully after reading the forum here, I realize that it's probably a cystocele. So I need to get it checked out and I'd like to take the advice offered here and see a urogyn.

Thanks so much to anyone who can help me with this.

Welcome to the forum
I too am a senior and have benefitted quite a bit from the "whole woman"
posture and I am sure you can too.
Go to the FAQ on the main page and scroll down to 11 and 12 which explains the posture.
Also if you can order the book "Saving the Whole Woman" by Christine Anne Kent. Order the second edition as it is the most up to date. It has a lot of information and exercises to help prolapses. You can order the book from the Whole woman store which can be accessed from the main page.
We don't mention doctors names on this forum.
Perhaps someone from your area can Email you privately with the name of one.
If you have any questions ask them and someone will try to answer them for you.
Do let us know how you get on.
Take care.

Hi Clarke

I found this info recently and this is where I found my physican. Hope that this helps.



moomoo, thanks for your response but I've already checked that out that site and there are no urogyns anywhere near me.

I'd much prefer a personal recommendation anyway, so hoping someone will come along with a name for me.


Thanks for responding.

First, do I need to post my email address in order for someone to be able to reply to me privately?

Thanks for your suggestions. I have been reading here for months and I'm impressed with the "whole woman" philosophy. It makes sense, especially when I think of my friend who had a hyst a few years ago and is now dealing with prolapsing vagina and a rectocele.

I'd just like to be sure my problem really is prolapse and get clearance for exercises before I start.

Thanks again for your response!


Some one can e mail you from your personal file if they click on contact.
Good luck.

Some how my post got posted further down but I repeat DO NOT POST YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS ON LINE. You are liable to get a lot of stuff you would rather not see.
You can be contacted from your personal profile.

Hi Caroline:
Welcome to the forum!

I live in Southern New Jersey and saw a wonderful Uro-Gyn in Philagelphia. I have emailed you his name and phone number. I am also one of the older members here (59) and just discovered my propalse at age 58 1/2. This doctor is knowledgable, thorough and certainly answered all of my questions. As I did not want to go the surgical route, he was very willing to talk to me about other options. He confirmed what I was dealing with, which is really what I wanted to know.

I hope that this information is helpful to you. Email me with any questions you might have.


'Life is not holding a good hand; Life is playing a poor hand well'