Saved by the bell??


I have surgery scheduled for a cystocel scheduled for April 16 and a urodynamics test scheduled next week. I was starting to get "cold feet," so I decided to get more info via the web. That's how I found this site. When I first found out that I had the cystocele, I was going to try physical therapy, but when I found out that my cystocele was stage III, I didn't think it would work, but after reading posts on this site, I think I need to reconsider trying a non-surgical approach. I was afraid that the condition would automatically get worse over time, so that it would be better to have the surgery sooner than later. I have to admit that I am having high anxiety about this right now!! I'm not having problems with incontinence right now, except for some minor stress incontinence. My major discomfort comes from being on my feet for long periods, or bending forward and standing back up (can feel it slipping in and out). I'm pretty sure I know what I should do (cancel the surgery), but I'm not sure if I should go ahead and have the urodynamics test or cancel that, too. I could use some "decision reinforcement." Also, how can I access the FAQ section??? thanks


Norann --

Welcome to the Whole Woman community! I'm usually not a "first responder" but I've been here nearly a year and will give it a try since you don't sound like an emergency case. You could have been, though, and I'm so glad you've come across the info here. To find the FAQ section, log in to just the short address:

On the left the top button will be FAQ's. You'll learn a lot there.

The condition does not have to get worse over time. It usually comes to rest at a certain point and then you know your base line. If you manage the condition non-surgically you will improve your general health and learn to live well with the condition, as well as avoiding the great risk of unforeseen outcomes that can follow surgery.

I suggest you get Christine's book. So much in there is eye-opening. If your cystocele is at the opening or peeking out I personally would also recommend the Bliss Balm, excellent stuff that makes you more comfortable.

Clothing is a major factor in comfort and wellbeing too and you can get a lot of ideas about that from the people here.

This community of women is wonderful. Practical, funny, loving, and wise, with a few fantastic poets in the lot for good measure.

Welcome, you're beginning an interesting journey that isn't necessarily all bad news. Feel free to ask questions.


Hi Norann

What a relief it is to read a post from a women who is prepared to stop and think, and do some research. Wise woman, Norann. You have nothing to lose and a lot to potentially gain by waiting. You can find the FAQ's at the homepage, .

I would be inclined to put the urodynamics testing on hold until you know more about pelvic organ prolapse. If I were you I would check out the FAQ's and get started on your posture, diet and clothing that doesn't compress your lower belly, and looking at the way you do things from day to day, like exercise, lifting, walking, sitting, etc. Then get a copy of Christine Kent's book, Saving the Whole Woman (2nd edition), available from the Wholewoman online store, also accessed from the homepage. This book will teach you all the body theory that you need to know, to be able to understand how you need to use your body from now on to make the best use of the pelvic structure you have.

This way you are starting on your non-surgical management straight away, so hopefully you will be starting to feel better sooner.

You can get the urodynamic testing done any time if you want more information. I have never had urodynamic testing done, because I have come to know my own body from reading and observation. I think I know more about my bladder than anybody else could tell me. Where this information is useful is in comparing your measurements to others, which may give the doctor the information s/he needs to work out what surgical procedures or other treatments are needed. I would be trying Wholewoman first, and find out how your body works, then see if you think you still need more information from the urodynamics testing. On the other hand, if cost and time and inconvenience and discomfort are not factors for you, go ahead with the urodynamics. I am not sure how invasive it will be.

Others may have had it and know more about it.



It is funny- one of my main concerns was that if I didn't do something right away my prolapse was going to get worse and worse and then just fall out- ha what a joke that seems to me now. It has been over a year and mine did get worse and then better and better. Welcome here.

I am so grateful for the words of encouragement, and I really do feel that I have been "saved by the bell." I spoke with my doctor's assistant and decided to cancel the surgery, but go ahead with the test since I already have it scheduled and have done the 3-day voiding journal. I figured that I would at least have some baseline information. I really do feel sure that I can improve my well-being by doing the things that have been suggested: posture, pelvic floor strengthening, dietary and functional changes, and education. Knowing how common this condition is has helped me get past the panic stage. I have already experienced some of the variability of the condition that several of you have described. I'm just so relieved that I didn't go into the surgery blindly. I am looking forward to reading the book and learning from all of you who are further along with this than I am. Thank you so much.


How many of us echo your exact sentiment....
I def. do.