Postpartum Prolapse Improvement!!


Just had to share....

I had my 6 week pp checkup and things haven't gotten worse - yay!!!!!!!!!!! - and my OB/Gyn thinks there may have been some improvement...I think so too!

So, for those new people here, there is definitely hope!

Dear Shellymum,

I'm so glad to hear this. It has come to my attention again how desperately the midwifery community needs this information, having just heard of a difficult birth at the hands of a midwife with 25 years experience who knew absolutely nothing about prolapse.

Keep up the good work - it takes a lifetime.

Wishing you well always,


That's exciting news!! I have to tell you that I found my prolapse at 3 weeks postpartum and now at 3 months partum (on Monday!) I feel infinitely better. When I found my cystocele it was lying down low, right at the opening. I felt like things were going to fall out and couldn't get comfortable. I felt somewhat better at 6 weeks, but now at 3 months I feel nearly back to normal. The only time I can tell things are wrong are when I need to have a bowel movement but as soon as I use the restroom, I feel better again. (Sorry for the TMI.) I'm hoping that even that goes away in the next few months. I've been trying not to check because I was obsessed at the beginning. So I checked for the first time in weeks the other day and my cervix was really high (had been really low) and the bulge was much less noticeable. The hardest part for me has been staying positive through all this. So just wanted to add my congrats and let you know that you have a lot more healing to look forward to in the coming months. :)


i'm a bit delayed in my hurray for you!
such great news. so glad to hear that things are improving. and really, it's just the beginning...i improved up until about a year PP, in waves. so know it will even get better!


(and btw, there is no TMI around here...hey, if you can't share it here, where can you???)