PLEASE help with pessary choice


I posted a help request titled 'Uterine Prolapse Pessary' of 9/2. 63 people have read my post, and no one has responded. I can't tell you how that makes me feel. This is the first time that I have EVER had the nerve to put a post on the internet to request help, and noone has answered. My uterine prolapse at Stage 2 might not be as bad as some people, but it is terrifying to me. My doctor, who is a participating provider on my insurance (I'm stuck with him) doesn't have much knowledge about pessaries. I really would like to hear from prople who wear pessaries for uterine prolapse - if they are able to remove them at home and how successful they are - and how comfortable. Please, would someone respond.

Hi Annette,
Yes, "Christine's book", is definetly worth the money. To me and many others it
is worth it's weight in gold. There is lots of technical information about
prolapse as well as advice on diet and excercises and the whole woman posture.

