

After years of recurring bladder infections, I have just been diagnosed with a slight cystosele. The infections come of course from not being able to properly empty my bladder. I have no other symptoms. I recently saw a new urologist who wants to do a cystoscopy. Is this advisable??? I need to have some sound advise soon because it is scheduled for this Thur. 17th???!!! Could it give me more information? I have already decided that surgery to "correct" the cysocele is out of the question.
I have ordered the video and hope to find some ways to work with this condition.
Thank you for being here for me. I so much appreciate your book!

Dear Christine, Thank you for your advise and for you quick reply.
I have tried the D-Mannose and the cranberry to no avail.
What is an intersystile bladder infection and how would it be treated?? I have no symptoms except very foul smelling urine.
This is the second try with a urologist and it was very unpleasant. Before even reading my files from the past 3 years,he made the comment,"You look like a heathy woman. Perhaps you are like most women who think that everything below the waist is dirty and foul smelling." I bit my lip and explained that smell is subjective and that I would be happy to give him a sample so he could smell it....After"emptying" my bladder he measured about a cup of urine left in my bladder, and so he believed me...
Do you know of a supportive gyno-urologist in Northern NM who could be more sypathetic and help me procede??
I would really appreciate any help...I have cancelled the appointment with this urologist. Thanks again...Uma

Uma - you can try for a reference in our area. Have you tried emptying your bladder like I illustrate in the book at least once a day? If incomplete emptying is the problem and you understand the risks (stress incontinence, sexual dysfunction, etc.) associated with anterior repair surgery, it seems the best approach is making sure the bladder completely empties as often as possible.

If you haven't been able to get this under control with natural measures, then yes, further diagnostics are the logical next step. As I understand it, IC is a deep and tenacious inflammation of the inner layers of bladder tissue with extreme discomfort and urinary dysfunction as primary symptoms. I believe the most effective treatment is radical diet change, stress reduction, natural fibers, etc.

I don't think I was emphatic enough in my recommendation for bladder emptying. I don't know what your work situation is (how much freedom you have) but if I had such a long-standing condition as you describe, I would empty my bladder on my hands and knees as much as possible, even if it meant climbing into the bathtub every time to pee. If you did this for one week, Uma, I bet you would see a change. There's self-cathing, too, but not without risks of further infection...

Thank you Christine...I have been using your method of emptying my bladder in the morning in the shower. I will attempt to do it more often during the day. I stopped the antibiotic yesterday so I have my fingers crossed that the infection does not return. Last time it returned the very next day.
I am anxiously awaiting the video...
Can't tell you how grateful I am to have your support...Uma

I just had to comment on your doctor- what an awful thing to say
to you! It's as if he is just dismissing any of your health concerns.
I wish it was easier to find doctors who were understanding and
knowledgeable! I also hope that things improve for you! Diana

Hi Uma,

As much as I want to speak my mind, when it comes to contradicting the advise of your physician I do not have the moral or legal right to do so, given that we as a society have sanctioned medical doctors as the highest authority on health and wellness. Perhaps he wants to do the scope to look at tissue that has sat under fermenting urine for so long.

I can say that a confirmed diagnosis of cystocele + measured urine retention + foul smelling urine = NEED TO EMPTY BLADDER. I can also say that we are all intelligent beings and can figure out that something is wrong with a system that does not address health problems at their source.

Of course, Diana makes the essential point of shunning physicians who try to make us feel helpless and stupid.

I hope you find a good doctor to work with, Uma, and am so looking forward to hearing how this program works for you.


Hi Uma. I have a cystocele also and years ago had numerous bladder infections. At that time, I had a cystoscopy, which they give you to see if you have any growths in your bladder and also to see if your ureters are open and not blocked. I would go for the cystoscopy if you are having severe symptoms or more than one symptom. Its good to do once and then you don't have to worry about it again. Good Luck in whatever you decide to do.

Technology is wonderful in many ways and I have no objection to there being these sorts of procedures available to us, and it is for Uma and her doctor to decide whether she is a candidate for one. The problem is there is no balance in the way they are used by a healthcare system that is liability-driven and therefore out-of-reach to almost 50% of the population.

Much more significantly, these technologies (x-rays, ultrasounds, surgeries, oscopies) that allow practitioners to look inside the body have altered doctor's capacity to look OUTSIDE the body and to SEE THE OBVIOUS. It's like there's a perfect inverse ratio between how much they can see at the micro level and how completely blinded they have become to the macro level...not to mention they've lost many vital skills of observation and palpation that took them hundreds of years to perfect...

Thank you Christine for your wise words.
I have often thought these precise thoughts about the medical profession, but have never voiced it so eloquently. I have always felt a little crazy when I see a physician...(which is very rarely)..Our G.P. is an osteopath and does listen and take time with us...however, he seems to be fearful of the liability issue and always refers me to a urologist or a specialist...
I have worked with a homeopath for years for myself and family for the reasons you mention...She delves deeply into the macro...But I do have a lingering sense that a physician's diagnosis is important so I get caught up in the system each time I enter the aleopathic world...
I have begun the cranberry, emptying my bladder as best I can, and hope the video arrives soon...
Thank you for your inspiring and hopeful words...Uma