a gift beyond measure


This is so sappy it belongs in the emotions forum.

Last night dh and I were babysitting dgd, who is now 14 months old, and we decided to watch Yellow Submarine. Imagine the scene: this incredibly bright-eyed baby sitting between her grandparents and swaying side to side as we belted out “We all live in a yellow submarine…” Tears were rolling down my cheeks because life has passed so swiftly but also that the blessings never end…

Hmm, must be the moon. This morning in church we heard "Just a closer walk with Thee" for the Recessional (at the end when the priest walks down the back). The first verse was the normal staid Anglican style, then our rockin' musician who is a 70 year old dance band pianist, broke into dance rhythm. There were my normally upright and conservative husband and myself standing together in the pews of our conservative, historic church, swaying in cool rhythm, clicking our fingers, and singing along like seasoned old White-shoed Crooners, with others standing around grinning. This morning John 10:10, "I came that you could have life in all its abundance" was in the Gospel reading. I think God would have been very, very pleased to hear the Joy.



Thank you both for sharing these moments with us---they each brought a few happy tears. I also have two dear grand-daughters and there is nothing more precious to me than to spend time with them. I am simply amazed at their innocence and beauty. Several of the tears, I must admit, were over---as you said---how quickly my own babies grew up and away---but I never stop being thankful for the second-chance that comes in being a grandmother. Aren't we fortunate and blessed beyond measure?

I also love (as in can't live without) music---and happen to be Episcopalian---so I was also very touched by your experience at mass this morning~smile~


sweet moments, christine & louise!

I feel the days slipping by so fast as our little one approaches his first birthday. he's most likely our last baby, so its hard. but I guess there's always the grandbabies to look forward to!

Hi Gmom

Teenagers and young adults are pretty good too, in amongst the almost inevitable trip-ups along the way. It is lovely to see the results of all that early hard work blossoming.


I'm sure children of any age are always a blessing and a joy to behold, well, maybe not always, but you know what I mean.
but there is nothing like a pudgy sweet baby. I swear I get high inhaling the scent of a baby. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.