More questions (Take 2)


First of all, I am so sorry if my original post started the drama that has developed on the board. I did not want my very first post to tear you all apart. While I do not know the history of the board, it seems like you all care deeply for each other and this forum is an excellent source of information and support.


It seems like I have seen some improvement in my bladder prolapse, but only in the morning. When I first wake up, I can actually see some of the vaginal opening. I get so excited! But then, by about noon, I am back to where I started. :( Does the fact that the bladder DOES move forward during the night mean that this prolapse will eventually get better?? And this is sort of a TMI question, but, would sex be more comfortable first thing in the morning since the prolapse is better in the morning? I am 7 week post partum and am nervous about the prolapse/sex.


really. and I can't say anything about morning sex. I am the worst morning person on this planet. and I have dragon breath. but afternoons are great for me:) yes it really gets so much better- give it a year - or two!

Hey Bridgette

I think it is not so much that the bladder moves forward during the night, more that gravity is not pulling your pelvic organs towards the centre of the earth when you are horizontal.

Your pubic bone and lower abdominal wall are more solid and resistant to gravity than your pelvic floor when upright, so keeping your pelvic organs further forward will keep them further away from your vaginal opening, and better supported. Loosening your lower belly to allow the organs more room out front helps further. This way they are not pulling down and straining damaged fascia and risking further damage. This is the main thing behind WW posture.

Did I send you to the homepage, , before? Check out more about posture in the FAQ's.

Unfortunately, fascia does not seem to repair itself to any great degree, so you may always have organs that will prolapse, but WW techniques will more than likely lessen your symptoms greatly, maybe to the point where you are no longer aware of them for most of the time, and they don't affect your every movement or activity. Hey, its early days for you. Give it a year before you judge the degree of prolapse you will have for the longer term. Try not to keep checking though. It is just upsetting, and won't make your postpartum recovery any faster.

Re sex, I think sex is a little like eating. When you are hungry is best, or when the food is most tempting. Morning or evening? Middle of the night? Lunchtime? All of the above??? ;-) Just remember that a little bit of what you fancy does you good. I am sure you will come to trust that body of yours again. It will just take time. Enjoy and nurture your baby, which is what nature intended during these early days. Sex will come when you are ready for it. Don't be pushed. It is not a competition. Yes, it may feel different inside your vagina now you have had a baby, but it doesn't seem to affect most women's enjoyment of sex. There is more to good sex than a virginal vagina! All lovers know this.



I also have a bladder prolapse as my main problem and I found that sex does make it feel more 'up' whether it in morning or evening. There is no pain or anything, but you are only 7 weeks post partum so things for you will get better for at least the first year :-)

I would say - When you are ready, try it but don't rush yourself...

Sometimes you are holding someone else's heart whithin your hands. You can drop that heart & bruise it. You can squash that heart & hurt it. Or you can stomp on it & totally annihalate it. You stomp on that heart or bruise it. It can forever be changed.