HELP!Pushing it back up....


I have some type of prolapse-I believe it is my blader-Havent been to the DR yet, as I have been plain scared to go-Through self diagnosis onthe internet, I am certain I have this problem-I read in one of the posts that there was a way to "push things back in/up) but couldnt find anything as to how.Any help would be greatly apprecialted!!

Welcome! I have found the "posture" located on "free downloads" a valuable resource. This stance you can start right away. Christine's book and video are a must for self help as you receive information which will educate you concerning prolapse and you will be able to practice the exercises which will help pull your prolapse back into a more comfortable position. Others will give you more insight and calming thoughts but this will help for now. Good luck! :)

Can't offer much more...:-)

Hi koolk9,

I have just started this program and noticed much success since using the posture and trying to stay in it all day long. At first I was really tired, but now I'm happy to report I'm feeling much better! I try to stay in it all day, especially when I lift things, exercise, clean my house, etc. I do believe the correct posture for women is extrememly important. However, during this "healing time" you may want to try something that I have found to be simply amazing.... they are called sea sponges. They were created for women to use during their monthly cycles instead of regular tampons, which contain dioxin, and are polutants to our environment, as well. These reusable sponges are great! They keep everything up and in place. I am currently using one during my cycle, works great! I notice that even on days when I stand for long periods of time, afer I remove the sponge, everything seems to be staying put. Perhaps I'm using the posture correctly, plus the fact that you can push your organs up with the sponge and over your pelvic bone....which is where they should be! NOW I truly understand :) There's an on-line company where you can purchase them called Hope this helps you! Long live the sponge! Be well, April

Thanks for sharing about the sponge.
When i first came to this site i went and got the sponges and tried them. I am afraid it will get lost up there. Also very scratchy. Has anyone else has this problem?
IS it possible for it to get sucked up there never to return? ALso...when i straighten up it pops right out...which makes me think i don't have it in far enough but i feel i am going to lose it up there! Thanks!

Hi Julie,

Just in case April missed your post...the vagina is completely sealed off (other than the tiny, usually closed cervical os) by its own walls and also by the strong layer of peritoneum that separates the abdominal cavity from the pelvic space. Thoroughly wet the sponge, wring it out well and insert it as far as you can. Hopefully it will stay there, not irritate your tissue, and reduce your symptoms. Be sure not to forget it and take it out each night. A little soak in hydrogen peroxide is good (rinse well).
