Changing nappies


Just a thought for all those new mums out there in Wholewomanland.

I had a lot of lower back pain after my second baby, and found that bending over a change table was really uncomfortable. No wonder really, as I was so proud of my small tummy and my butt so tucked under!

I eventually found that I didn't get discomfort at the change table if I put a straight backed dining chair at the end of the change table and perched myself on the edge with my feet stable and well apart, straddling the X of the table frame. In retrospect I was in Wholewoman sitting posture, though I didn't know it at the time.

I could pick up baby at the end of the process by just putting my arms on each side of his body, elbows braced on the change table and hands under his back, and lift him towards me. Then, when he was against my body, I could just use my leg muscles to stand up. A stool would have done a better job, as I could just back up to move away from the change table, instead of having to clear the chair.

It was a wonderful relief to discover this technique. Hope it helps somebody.




Love the concept - especially the child to chest lifting approach.

Here's one for toddlers who need a fresh set of clothes:

Have the child stand. Bend all the way over from the hip. This helps stretch the hamstrings. Take the child's dirty wear off and tidy the child, then help him dress all while bending from the hip. It's child friendly, good exercise and takes the pressure off the back because you are bending from the hip. If you have problems getting up, just bend the knees into a squat and push up. Builds strong legs too.

I find this to be a good position while tying shoes as well. I must tie 50 pair of shoes a day.

"Samantha, you have your shoes on the wrong feet."

"But Miss Judy, they are the only feet I have!"

Just a little laugh for the day.


I changed my baby on the couch. I mean he was lying on the couch, I would kneel on the floor, keeping my back happy.
dressing toddlers, same deal. I kneel, they stand. changing shoes, well we have a 'shoe spot' consisting of a small chair in the corner where we keep all the shoes. kid sits on the chair, mom sits indian-style on the floor, feet go on mom's lap.

and my kids get totally offended if I tell them their shoes are on the wrong feet. I just say 'opposite shoes!' and they know what I mean.

Hi Louise,

I gather from reading some of the posts here and it appears that some of the WW members are teachers or teacher's aides. I am a retired Kindergarten teacher and have spent many hours of my life on my feet. Not to mention I thought nothing of dragging equipment and hauling heavy supplies into my classroom. I was wondering if there is any correlation between teaching (or any other job where someone has to be on their feet so many hours in a day) and prolapse. Have you read anything that would support, or not support that?


Or does anyone else out there have any information or thoughts on this? I am always wondering and trying to fit the pieces of the puzzle together I guess we all are.

Hi Mae,

To answer your! We are built exquisitely well for standing while keeping our pelvic organs forward. The problem is, they have fallen Back because we no longer allow for the natural pelvic organ support system, which is defined by the shape of our spine.

:) Christine

Thanks and welcome back! My guess is I was not standing in posture all those years I was teaching and it contributed to my prolapse , which probably began after birthing 2 very large babies in the 70's. A year before my prolapse I had to undergo a D & C and I am sure that added to it as well from reading your book. If I only knew then what I know now...but I didn't. I wish we could get the word out to all young women BEFORE this happens to them!

Thanks for your support.

Warmest regards,