

HI all,
I remember a while ago Christine posted about a forum of women finding natural ways to deal with endometriosis, but can't find it through the search function. Can anyone post it again? want to pass it onto a friend.


Hi Kiki

Trying just searching "endo". That brought up about 8 different topics.



searched on endo and endometriosis and still can't find it...
Christine, are you by any chance about? if so, can you quickly give the link?

Hi Kiki

Try this. http://www.wholewoman.com/forum/search/node/endo . Sorry, I cannot work out why you cannot get these hits.


I tried it last night and turned up nothing, tried it again just now and got plenty of posts. I typed 'endometriosis' btw.

i got loads, just not the one i remember. i remember christine mentioned a forum of women finding holistic eays to deal ith endometriosis.
can't find that one...
does this ring a bell for anyone else?

Hi Kiki,

I don't know what I may have said in the past, but here are a few things I know about endometriosis:

1. Both conventional and traditional forms of medicine conceive of endo as caused by the uterine lining flowing up through the fallopian tubes and out into the pelvic interior instead of being expelled from the body through the vagina.

2. From my perspective, this is one disorder that Ayerveda manages quite well. They believe a certain type of constitution is more prone to endo and offer countless diet and lifestyle suggestions for treating it.

3. Total hysterectomy with removal of tubes and ovaries does not cure this disease. You will find many who were operated on specifically for endo who are mortified to find the disease still present within the pelvic cavity.

Sorry it took me so long to answer!
