Organ Prolapse Rectocele & Cystocele


Hi, I am new at this and 2 years ago was told I had rectocele and cystocele. I tried the passories that didn't work. I have had a complete hysto. about 11 years ago. This rectocele is causing me alot of discomfort and I don't want surgery. I have read on this site others having the same problem. Can anyone help to try anything else that would help. When I stand I feel like my bottom weighs 300 lbs. when I rest and keep my feet up that helps but that's not fun. Any ideas I would so much appreciate. I have read so much on the surgery and it scares me doesn't sound successfull. And I don't know anyone else who has this problem or has had the surgery. I am at my witts end with this. HELP! Thank you.....Tootsie

Dear Tootsie,

We are a group of women who are learning that prolapse is best managed non-surgically. The cervix/uterus is the structure that stabilizes both the front and back vaginal wall. Its removal inevitably causes the sort of post-surgical prolapse you are experiencing, which is entirely different than cystocele/rectocele with the uterus in place.

I would suggest joining as the information there is solid and trustworthy.

Wishing you well,


Thanks Christine,
Just thought hearing that I am not alone in this helps. Even thou I had the hysterectomy I still have the same problems as alot of these ladies. Do you think that taking estrogen would help the rectocele? And I would like to know about the exercise the ladies were talking about. Also I have seen some ladies have talked about the V support panty. What do you think about that? I would take any advice to help avoid surgery. I did go to the site you suggested also. Anyone else with advice I would love to hear from....Thanks...Tootsie

Dear Tootsie,

I apologize for not giving you a more comprehensive response. The problem is, I haven't really studied post-hysterectomy prolapse, which truly is much different and much less predictable than pre-surgical prolapse. You certainly are not alone (half the female population by age 65) and that is why I directed you to hystersisters.

I was remiss in not suggesting the V2 supporter. I do have a post-hysterectomy client who is avoiding surgery at all costs and has dubbed the V2 her "anxiety wrap" and says it gives her much relief and comfort. You can find it at: (you must scroll down to locate it).

The posture and exercises we are working with here are all on the video. However, Tootsie, I'm just not sure if they will be very helpful for you. The only woman out of almost 500 members who has written in that NOTHING has changed after doing this program for several months was post-hysterectomy. I really don't have any data beyond that. My hope was that the posture would work for these women too, but I just don't have information to support that.



Even though you had a hysterectomy and the posture may or may not help. I would recommend eating well lots of fiber to keep everything moving through is very important for rectocele. Also excercises to lift those dragging buns! : ) That is something I need to work more on! Diana