vaginal prolapse repair and perinuimplasty one week on


hi had a vaginal prolapse and periniumplasty repair a week ago.kept in overnight!then sent home no instructions etc.ended back up at hospital at weekend had a bad infection.given strong this point was in awful pain.everything looked better down there so thought op had gone ok(ha).anyway pain got better and antibiotics gave me diaoreah and sickness(nice hey).then yesterday i looked(ok i shouldnt) and it looked like everything had collapsed and was id say same as pre op only with added items hanging out.went to gp who didnt have a rang hospital and they said come in.turns out ive got a haematoa between vaginal wall and vagina which is pushing everything down.gave me new antibiotics and said see you in a week.if its still there then will need an op to remove it.also they agree it does look like its all dropped BUT they THINK it might go back up when haematoa gone!!!ha i dont quite think so.
i am a mum of two boys under 3.have a great partner who has only got limited time off work and a great mum who has the same. god help me if im in again as no one can take more time off.
is anyone else like me or been through the same or even better got any advice.
bye the way no pain at all now and still got diaoreah!!!!
defo coming back as a man next time.....

Basically all it is is a collection of blood.

I had a hernia repair March 07 and I had a Haematoma size of half an orange. NHS were about to slash me open to have a look. I had original op in BUPA. In the end they left it and within the next 4-5weeks it dispersed by itself and went away.

I have not had Vaginal surgery but I do feel (I am no DR) that if they think it will go in a week they very well might be silly. Mine took at least a month or more. They said it would always leave me with a lump there. BUt it hasn't.

I hope you can get through this without having to go through further surgeries.


Sometimes you are holding someone else's heart whithin your hands. You can drop that heart & bruise it. You can squash that heart & hurt it. Or you can stomp on it & totally annihalate it. You stomp on that heart or bruise it. It can forever be changed.

thanks sue.yes i know its a collection of blood.which to be honest im not too bothered about.just hope that apparently where it is right on the prolapse area that it wont have caused the prolapse to go again.glad to hear your haematoma has gone and with no problems. x liz

I would say - If they wanna go back in straight away just to see - Make them wait - Things for you would still be healing and as the Haematoma drains it should hopefully let the tissue shrink - There is a chance that as it drains things would shrink etc as it is not stretched for a very long time etc. Take things VERY easy at this time, rest and hope that as it drains things will lessen. Maybe you will still be left with a milder prolapse than you started with - I hope so for you.

Good luck

Sometimes you are holding someone else's heart whithin your hands. You can drop that heart & bruise it. You can squash that heart & hurt it. Or you can stomp on it & totally annihalate it. You stomp on that heart or bruise it. It can forever be changed.

That sucks. If they tell you about all the things that might happen nobody would have surgery. Hmm. It's like you don't know what they haven't told you because they haven't told you. I don't know how a lay person is supposed to get around this one, except by always doing your own research and clarifying with the doctor before the surgery about all the risks.

Thank goodness it is only a haematoma. Sue is right. As you have no pain, it is probable that the haematoma is the only problem. I really hope that is so. As Sue says, rest up and look after your body. Bodies are amazing how they deal with these things.

Thank goodness the infection appears to be gone. Now get some high quality probiotics into yourself to restore all the intestinal bacteria that have been killed by the antibiotics. It is like a bulldozer has been put through your garden. If you don't replant all your plants and trees and look after them, and keep the weeds under control you will not have a garden again.

Good luck Lizzie. Be patient. Time does heal.



thankyou sue and louise i will take it easy and let you know how i get on.fingers crossed all goes well.have a nice day both of you .....

well what can i say.wish i hadnt bothered... my haematoa decided to come away as i pulled down my trousers at my post op check up!!gross 3 days of thick jellyfish like clumps.
anyway went back monday to see if all had gone back to where it was meant to be.huh
no im now left with apparently hymen skin tags falling out of me.and wait for it a huge bulge which is where the haematoa has pushed the wall of the prolapse repair out.
he asked me if i wanted another op.i said no not unless he thought i needed it doing.he said if it becomes uncomfortable or gets worse then yes.and the best is still to come...
i am still advised not to lift any weight at all!!!with no time limit.
as i have a 10month and a three year old i am unsure how i am to manage.have come to terms that i will probably have another op in the foresable future...he apologised for what i have gone through and said he was very sorry.
fed up and feel like resuming normal lifting as think theres no point to other people helping constantly..
anyone else had similar experience


I'd keep that idiot doctor away from me if I were you. A jackass is a jackass, and no matter how many times you let him cut you, he's still going to be a jackass, and you are still going get hurt and then be told he's "sorry." Sorry for what? That he doesn't have to live with his mistake? That he doesn't have to live in your body? That his private area is probably perfectly comfortable? He's probably not sorry about that. Sorry doesn't make up for chronic discomfort.

See if you can live with what you've got.


feeling bit down today.cant get into any of my trousers.wondering if prolapse womb is affecting my stomache?bloated and sore.....anyway still not happy with things down below.still got the bulge and it seems to be getting thinking that its because its scar see how things go..