Weird question - Swimming?


I am wondering if Swimming can worsen POp - Maybe temporarily...

Went swimming last weekend for first time in ages where i really swam... And swam lots...

Past two days POP been a bit worse - So just wondering if they might be related - I for some reaso thought swimming would be fine...

Guess I might just be having a woprse couple of days - Just wondered if anyone else had this happen?

If not - I will wait till it gets back to 'normal' and test again I guess...

I actually felt better after swimming but I was doing lengths on my stomach so it was a good position to be in. Were you on your back or upright swimming around? I could see that it might worsen in that case because when I am treading water for example I'm not really in whole woman posture....

Did alot of backstoke (Backstroke is my strongest stroke)


But when in bed on your back - etc - The posture doesn't really come into it as much...

I am wondering if I mighta lifted something (cant think of anything)

It is probably just a cycle thing

Interesting thought - Thanks

Sometimes youre holding someone else's heart in your hands. You can drop that heart & bruise it. You can squash that heart & hurt it. Or you can stomp on it & totally annihalate it. You stomp on that heart or bruise it. It can forever be changed ♥

It's not even warm enough to plant tomatoes in my neck of the woods, now the third day of spring! Swimming? I remember! Can't wait to get back in the water again with the warm weather just around the corner.

I have never had a problem with swimming. The hardest part for me was learning to feel OK about the look of my bod in a swimsuit. It is tempting to go back to holding the tum in. That will send my POP's south in five seconds flat. Learn to love your belly if that is your issue too. Hope it is as simple as that, or else it is the inevitable cyclical thing.



Since I was in a private pool I took the opportunity to have a check around and see what swimming was doing with the prolapse(s). I founds that the water seemed to push everything closer to where it should be whether swimming on my back or front. What I did find was that it left me feeling very dry and a bit aggravated/tender, so the prolapses felt worse and it would have been a good idea to try some lubricant for a few days after.