Do you think this will help?


I'm thinking of ordering the Kegal machine advertised here - (apologies if links aren't allowed in posts!).

Do you guys think it will help with my prolapses? My prolapses have improved quite abit anyway (I'm now 11 weeks PP). I'm waiting for my appointment with a physio-therapist to come through, but thought I might get the machine as well...?

ck it out here- many many responses-

check it out where?

Type it into the search box on this site-

Oh I see - I'll do that, cheers xx

Hi Lilly

Type appropriate keywords (one or more) in and you get a list of topics where the keyword appears in one of the comments. There may be several pages of topics in each keyword hit list. Click on each topic in the hit list, then use your browser's Find on This Page function to highlight the keyword. You can then scroll the whole topic really quickly, looking for highlighted text. Some topics look really irrelevant, but the keyword will be in there somewhere.
