When I first “cracked the code” on stabilizing and reversing prolapse, and wrote and published Saving the Whole Woman, I set up this forum. While I had finally gotten my own severe uterine prolapse under control with the knowledge I had gained, I didn’t actually know if I could teach other women to do for themselves what I had done for my condition.
So I just started teaching women on this forum. Within weeks, the women started writing back, “It’s working! I can feel the difference!”
From that moment on, the forum became the hub of the Whole Woman Community. Unfortunately, spammers also discovered the forum, along with the thousands of women we had been helping. The level of spamming became so intolerable and time-consuming, we regretfully took the forum down.
Technology never sleeps, however, and we have better tools today for controlling spam than we did just a few years ago. So I am very excited and pleased to bring the forum back online.
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Remember, the forum is here for two reasons. First, to get your questions answered by other women who have knowledge and experience to share. Second, it is the place to share your results and successes. Your stories will help other women learn that Whole Woman is what they need.
Whether you’re an old friend or a new acquaintance, welcome! The Whole Woman forum is a place where you can make a difference in your own life and the lives of thousands of women around the world!
Best wishes,
Christine Kent
Whole Woman
September 6, 2008 - 11:19pm
Redoing it.
I think it would be a little like re-reading a novel, when you have already read it once to the end. You would pick up different information on the way, that you didn't see the relevance of at the time. I think deeper understanding of lifes puzzles would result, but I still wouldn't want to do it. I would miss out on too much in the present!
September 7, 2008 - 2:07am
Yeah I decided after talking to other people and thinking - Its a good thing we are unable ad I wouldnt in the end either
Sometimes youre holding someone else's heart in your hands. You can drop that heart & bruise it. You can squash that heart & hurt it. Or you can stomp on it & totally annihalate it. You stomp on that heart or bruise it. It can forever be changed ♥
September 7, 2008 - 7:25am
I choose me
well, take this for what its worth, but...
I heard once, that before our souls come down to this world, they are shown the life they are about to have and asked if they 'accept'. and the soul is given only the life it has accepted.
so I don't know if this is 'true' or anything, but I liked it. whenever things get difficult for me, I find it strangely comforting that I have chosen this life and on some level decided I can bear whatever hardships will come along.
kinda-sorta along the same lines as 'only getting what we can handle'
probably alot of hoo-ha for anyone that isn't very religious, but that's ok. as long as you laugh at me behind my back and not to my face : )
September 7, 2008 - 9:34am
Re Do or Re Don't
Hi Sue,
Interesting question! I like living in the Here and Now. Not that I don't reflect on my life a lot, I do. But, I am a firm believer that if you're happy with yourself and your life today, you should be happy about your past, good & bad. I'm afraid if I went back I might do something different. I believe if you could change just one thing about your past life..you might not be the person you are today. Ever see the movie It's a Wonderful Life? Perfect example. So, no I wouldn't go back..even to relive the really good times. They are in my heart and memory and I can relive them just by thinking about them.
Warm regards,
September 8, 2008 - 10:04am
it must be some kind of grand evolution of souls
Great topic, Sue…and I enjoyed reading all the responses. It’s so interesting in life to see how people turn out (I’m thinking of all the folks I just saw at my son’s wedding) and who ends up with whom. I think the old adage “Birds of a feather…” is more true than we have any idea! xChristine
September 8, 2008 - 10:30am
Lol... and a letter...
I think it is good to probe what we think we think - I thought i would like to go back - Then in the end after dep thought - I wouldnt...
I am full of Questions like that lol - Find them on the net or make them up - Just to keep the mind active and stuff (Like question of the day lol) Methinks we need a new forum - Just for fun - As whithin this thing we call POP - We need to see that life is about so much - We can get by and laugh again - We can live again - We can love - Cos we can...
Yes - We all have POP - Mine is a PITA some days - and others POPpy is not something that is too much of a bother - But mine is a 3 - I guess that is why 'she' is a pain - lol (PMSPOPpy?) lolol
If you could write a letter to yourself at 10 years old, what would you say?
I would say...
Dear Lil MMAI,
Life is gonna chuck a whole heap of poop at ya. Remember who you can count on and who you cannot. Remember that when things feel like they can get no lower - They can!
Remember how laughter can help you get through Oh so very many things. Know that amazing things do happen, know how strong you can be, if you let yourself.
Do not forget the bad things. They will teach you lessons and mould you into a much better person.
Live, love, LAUGH!
Love NotSoLil MMAI
Sometimes youre holding someone else's heart in your hands. You can drop that heart & bruise it. You can squash that heart & hurt it. Or you can stomp on it & totally annihalate it. You stomp on that heart or bruise it. It can forever be changed ♥
September 8, 2008 - 9:55pm
I am with Granolamom on that thought. I believe those two points: 1, that we accepted the life knowing some idea of some challenges we would take on. And that we were excited about the long-term perspective. (Who great didn't pass through fire? Every role model woman I have has had their share of pain and suffering and overcoming.) 2, that we won't get more than we can bear (that is scriptural!)
That said, I would not live my life again. I like the glory moments right there in the past, as well as the hard times. I have so much to look forward to in life still. I had a friend that became a missionary at the ripe age of 73 and grew tremendously. I know another, who in her 80s went to university. Another woman who is writing books still about homebirth, after having the experience of over 50 years of attending homebirths. I am no where near done and expect plenty of rough and glorious moments to come. The exciting and special moments of the past were more special because of the experience and understanding I had at the time. High school graduation holds little excitement for me now. On the other hand, for example, if I had a friend that lost a child 10 years ago before I had a child, I would hurt for her, but not like now. That depth of pain (which in the case of death is only another color of the same love that connects us to that person) would mean something different to me now. I do hope that my kids have a better feeling about their growing up than I do. I'm working hard to offer that, but who knows!?
Even though I would not go back and redo it the same, I am so glad for where I am and am sure I would be someone different if I had not passed the way I came. So, I guess this is a little lesson for me of gratitude for how unique and important my life has been in creating the good I enjoy in myself today. :)
September 9, 2008 - 2:41am
Messages in your Will
My little 'idea of the day' is to progressively write little letters to those dear to me and put them in the envelope that contains the original of my Last Will and Testament. I have even thought of giving them a little treasure map and burying a little treasure for each of them to dig up, so they can have a nice little surprise of their own after I have died. Perhaps give each of them some jigsaw pieces and tell them who has the other pieces, so they have to get together for a party after I have died, and do the puzzle, drink champagne and talk about me without the risk of my ever finding out!
I might even write a few letters to people who have grossly annoyed me during my life, and let rip!
September 20, 2008 - 9:50pm
letters from Beyond
I do that, Louise
every year on each child's birthday and on our anniversary I write a love letter to that child (anniversary is for dh) and put it in a sealed envelope marked with the intended recipients name and the year.
I like the puzzle idea. maybe I'll start including a piece in each envelope.
September 20, 2008 - 9:52pm
my thoughts exactly...
"Even though I would not go back and redo it the same, I am so glad for where I am and am sure I would be someone different if I had not passed the way I came. So, I guess this is a little lesson for me of gratitude for how unique and important my life has been in creating the good I enjoy in myself today. :)"
just how I feel too, BGB
October 6, 2008 - 8:28am
Still a member here:)
Christine and all the oldies here!
I'm still me! I have good days and depressed ones! Don't we all!? I don't have the energy to change my diet completely! I still eat too much junk and drink my coffee, although a lot less! I think my diet is my comfort zone, or whatever!
I have thoughts about surgery, but then other thoughts about the outcome, when you can't go back to where we were before it! I am living with it, I just deal with it day by day! I am still a very hard worker almost hitting the 65 year mark! They think I'm amazing at my job that I still do so much! Anyway, I am just checking in to let you know I haven't gone the surgical route! I did have a gyno recommend sewing it all up since sex isn't an issue anymore! Hubby not well enough! And another recommend a sling to hold the bladder up since I've had 3 infections in the past 3 months! Could this be from biking? I wonder!? Any input here I'd gladly listen to even though I've been a stranger here lately! But then I'm afraid they'll do the hysterectomy while I'm out, against my wishes! I'm sorry but I don't trust doctors very much! Input will be appreciated here! Nancy
October 6, 2008 - 1:56pm
Bladder infections
I too am an oldie, a person who is living with it as opposed to surgery, and someone with bladder infections periodically. I have had bladder infections my whole life, way before the POP. I think now, I have less as I am doing some things which may also help you. For what it's worth:
I take cranberry pills every day in the morning and Urinary Support pills (Swanson's - bilberry, cranberry, and grapefruit - probably not necessary but what the heck they aren't expensive).
I watch the sugar and carbs. When I eat simple carbs like baked goods or sugary treats, it comes back to haunt me.
I have a high toilet - try it. They aren't noticeable to anyone but you and it is so better not to squat low.
I have a shower head that is attached to a phone-like cord so I can easily clean myself with the shower 'down there.'
I always go to the toilet before and after sex.
I always touch the floor with my hands after going to the toilet, then walk forward with my hands to get things back
I take vagifem pills once a week which are vaginally inserted
I am currently experimenting with moisturizers. So far no problems with Replens, stay tuned.
I have LESS bladder infections than when I was young. I used to have at least one a month. It was annoying and I hated taking the antibiotics but I think lots of people have them that often.
WHen I ride the exercise bike I have replalced the regular seat with a wide seat, not one of those racing seats on some bikes or equipment. It makes a big difference...that and wearing loose rather than bikie clothing.
Hey, good luck to you. I hope some of this will give you some ideas.
(not so)discouraged.
October 7, 2008 - 12:21am
Hi Nancy!
Hi Nancy! It’s always great to hear from you! Wow – I think nsdiscouraged has covered the bases in the uti department. Hope you can utilize some of her good suggestions.
How are your daughters doing, since if memory serves they’re both post-hysterectomy now?? I only wish that you could feel really, really good physically for all the mental effort it’s taking to avoid surgery. I never lose faith though and believe in cases like yours it’s a matter of finding the right combination of posture, exercise, diet and lifestyle factors that will bring your symptoms well under control so you will never (okay, maybe rarely) entertain surgery. Lots of love from Christine
October 8, 2008 - 6:49am
Bladder infections
Hi there, I have thought about that darn bicycle seat! I'll start investigating another style! I have cut down on the sweets but not entirely! My daughter has always had bladder infections, but I almost never had! I will start with the cranberry pills! I do pee like that, Christine showed me years ago how to empty at least once a day!
And to Christine, My daughters are both doing well with the hysterectomies! Never have had much of a problem! But that doesn't mean I won't as I'm a firm believer, that everyone is different in every way! Thanks for asking! I have just changed doctors, and wihile I haven't got to know this one well enough yet, I get the feeling he isn't for surgery much! Says his 93 y/o mother still has the prolapse and is doing well! Thanks for the concern and info, got to run help daughter this morning! Nancy
I do wear the sling daily, it is comforting! The prenatal jock strap or whatever it's called!
October 16, 2008 - 7:07am
I don't think so...
For me, I think once is enough. Doing the same thing again would be like one of those predictable movies when you just can't stand sitting through it on the edge of your seat when you already know the ending......