Newbie - AM I an enigma? PLease help!!!!


Hi all, I'm new to this site, it was recommended to me by my physio ( I'm from England), I've read CHristine's latest book and still have questions about my own condition, maybe there is someone out there who can help before I go insane?!

I'm 34 yrs old and gave birth 9 1/2 months ago, it was a svd on a birthing stool, following a 24 hour labour where my baby's head was on my cervix all the time - I just couldn't dilate! After a lot of 'purple pushing I gave birth to my daughter. About 4 weeks ;later I noticed a small bulge in my vagina, when I saw my doctor she told me I had an anterior vaginal wall prolapse (cystocele) but it was relatively mild and told me I was unlucky. Since then I've seen any number of doctors, and specialists because I have this feeling that I want to pee just about all the time. WHen I went to see the urogynaecologist she told me I also have a uterine prolapse, apparently when I bear down it's about 1cm off the vaginal opening, but when I'm stood up and do Christine's self exam it's about a finger length up inside me (not sure how far up it should be normally - can anyone tell me?) she feels that the uterine prolapse is pressing on my other organs and is causing this problem and told me to wear tampons/pessarie and to have surgery once I've fonished having children. The thing is I'm not sure whether I believe them or not. I've seen a urologist who has done internal exam of my bladder and stress tests and has said there was nothing wrong with it. When I press on the tissue surrounding the cystocele I get the feeling I want to pee, sometimes it's worse than others and I can feel it when I sit/lie down somtimes. I'm not bothered about the prolapses in themselves just this feeling which is causing me real problems, it's tiring and endless and I don't feel like I can escape from it. The Urologist, physio and doctors have all said they don't think the prolapse should be causing these problems, only the urogynae. Has anyone else experienced this? Is it the prolapses? Also, I would love to have another baby but am frightened of what this might do to me, given that I have hardly been out since my child was born. I want to avoid surgery but can't live like this any longer and have even considered not being here anymore, except I couldn't leave my baby. My mother went in for a repair earlier this year to a prlapse she wasn't even aware she had, at the same time they said they'd solve her frequent urination problem. This is now worse than ever and the experience of surgery was so bad she won't consider going back for more.

Please can someone help me? I have no trust anymore in the medical profession and still feel like I need answers.

Thank you for listening

sounds like your uterus is in a good place.
have you tried emptying your bladder on all fours yet? This helps to fully empty the bladder so maybe the sensation will go away.
You could experiment with drinking a lot of water at one time- 10-12 ounces or so- and then emptying on all fours each time all day.
Also I don't know if you are avoiding caffeine etc..but some things do irritate the bladder.
Last- I think it can take a while for the nerves to resume normal functioning after birth- so you could have a case of fussy nerves and time will help that.

I am pregnant now- (18 weeks or so) and looking forward to seeing what happens the first few years pp. I am 29 and have 3 kiddos already ( the first three were in 3 years) and was told about my prolapse after my 6 week check up with the 3rd birth. I know now that I have had it since my second birth and probably since my first. So you can have more kids for sure- just let your body heal from the first one before you consider another (I would try to wait at least 2 years before my next pregnancy- and I have heard that 3 years is the very best).

you didn't mention if you are using the posture and fire-breathing. That would be my first recommendation. Start there.

and so sorry about your mom.

Hi Alemama,

COngratulations on baby #4, I really hope all goes well for you and that you are able to manage your condition post birth. Thank you very much for your response to my posting and your kind response to my mum's position. I must admit it has crossed my mind that it could be a nerve thing, my husband has said from the start that it sounds like muscle/tissue damage and it does seem to add up, it's just that none of the specialists have mentioned it so you begin to think it can't be that, and then again I'm coming to the conclusion that they know as much about prolapses and resultant symptoms/problems as I do! I am working on the posture, my brother who is a physio has said it will do me good as I have hardly walked straight up since she was born, something about this sensation and the lower back pain I get that makes me want to curl up. I also started with the firebreathing last night which is really relaxing and calming, hopefully I will start to feel the benefits soon. I've also started to lift off the toilet when peeing but haven't tried all fours yet, could get messy but will give it a go.

I'm still keen to know if there are any other WW members who may have experienced/are experiencing the same problems as me and if they agree with your thoughts.

Thank you and god bless you Alemama for taking the time out to respond to me when I know you have so little time to yourself



that's how I felt when I first found the prolapse. it near drove me crazy.
I agree with everything alemama wrote. the constant sensation of needing to urinate disappeared within a few months of my starting with the posture. and yes, most certainly I agree that its a good idea to make a point of fully emptying your bladder at least once daily.

Thank you for you advice, I will be sure to empty my bladder fully and have already started with the posture and firebreathing. You said that the feeling went when you started with the posture - can I ask you if it has ever returned?

Thanks again


that feeling has returned a few times. each time it was the day before my period started. my symptoms pretty much only occur right before my period or around ovulation. and not every cycle either.
and when I first found my prolapse I couldn't stand on my feet for more than an hour, walk around the mall, etc.
so there is hope!!!!

to keep it real, though, I didn't see significant improvement right away. I forget the exact timeframe, but I think it was something like 3 or 4 months for lessening of symptoms (pressure, pain, urge to urinate) and about a year until the bulge began to change (got a bit smaller and was higher up).
so don't get discouraged if you don't feel like a different woman tomorrow.

i just wanted to echo that the "i need to pee all the time" feeling can get so much better. i got my POP's 3 weeks after no. 2, and had to pee constantly, or felt like i did. things that really helped where that when i'd pee, i'd then stick my bum in teh air and wiggle to rearrange my bladder (sounds silly i know!), and then pee some more--same idea as peeing on all fours, but much more doable in public toilets ;-) i also saw an accupuncturist which really helped a lot with the irritable bladder feeling too. in fact she sorted it in a few weeks (not sure where in the UK you are if altern therapies even interest you?)

now, i barely ever have it. after a BM i often have to pee and pee a few times, i guess because it was pressing on my bladder and blocking it. and if i don't look after myself or drink enough it comes back a bit--but nothing like before.

so keep hope!
the posture is amazing. my little one is now nearly 2, and whilst my POP's aren't gone, they no longer rule my took a while, but we got there ;-)


duplicate post (edited by Louiseds)

Hi Kiki and Granolamom,

You have both given me hope with the details of your experiences and thank you so much. I really don't think the medical guys have been listening to me and have had a one-track view of what could solve the problem - i.e. surgery. After mum's experience I really don't want to go down that route and you give me hope that one day I might be able to go out and take my beautiful girl for a walk and maybe even run round the park with her, God willing. If only mum and I had known of WW before she went to see the consultant, there's no way she would have gone for that op and I'm angry for her that they have made it worse and told her afterwards that ' it doesn't always work for everyone', now we find out it hardly works for anyone!

The other thing that gets me is how prolapse is still such a hidden condition. When I was pregnant and preparing for labour with all the ante natal classes etc the thing I was most concerned about was the pain of tearing! With hindsight if that had been my only problem I would have been so happy (ironic that I dodn't tear at all and initially I thought I had got away with it!). Even after I was diagnosed the lack of knowledge from midwoves, Health Visitors, not to mention doctors etc. has been staggering, I honestly have been made to feel that this has never happened to a woman my age before. I feel so strongly that prolapse should be something that is discussed with young women even before they become pregnant, it should be a topic in all books about pregnancy and birth - not to frighten women, but to reduce the impact it has if it does happen and to give advice on what to do if it does happen. I had no idea what might make it better or worse and no one could advise me.

I'll be making sure sure that my daughter is fully aware when she grows uop, I don't want her to suffer the indignity that mum and I have been put through because the medical profession can't be bothered to invest time in their patients to provide knowldege and support to women who need it.

Sorry for ranting, I'm still angry and trying to work it through my system. I'm seeing a councellor to try and get over the issues around the birth and the anger, she thinks I may have an element of post traumatic stress - not surprising really! I've also been having some reflexogy from a friend of mine and she also suggested having some acupuncture to see if it would help - I can get it free here at my doctors (one of them is Chinese and provides this service) I'll be ringing him on Monday to make an appointment asap.

Thank god for this site - you've given me hope and are saving my sanity - how can we raise the profile of the work being done here and proplapse in general? It really needs to happen!!

Take care, so grateful,



HI Jan,
Just a quick one...but I wanted to say I think it's so imp't for women to hear exactly what you are saying! And women need to know about this. i am very open about my prolapses with other women. And, in telling people, I get people telling me about their prolapses / incontinence / other issues that they don't talk about! It's out there, but hidden. By talking, we can let women know it's okay to talk as well! I also wrote an article for a newsletter at a natural therapy centre, and eventually will get it together to start on the National Childbirth Trust to publish something--hopefully not just focused on surgery! The more we can talk about it (and I always mention Christine' work!) the more other women will be prepared and know they are not alone.

re post traumatic stress...have you ever heard of EFT? I was introduced to it earlier this year. It seems mad, but it really has for me worked to deal with my fears, stresses, anxiety, and upsetting memories. happy to explain more if wanted...but right now must run!

do take care of yourself. And keep faith. I remember when I first found this site reading of women playing ball in the park with their kids. I remember thinking that will never be me, how could it be? Now, I wouldn't blink an eye at running. I climb to the top of indoor soft play centres, heave my nearly 30lb toddler up with me, run around with him, carry him, lift him into bed--all these thing i really worried about i can do. i'm not saying i don't have problems, as i do. but, i can live with this and do most things in life...


Thank you Kiki for taking the time to reply. One of the really valuable things about this forum is that people respond so quickly and sensitively to the problems of others, so refreshing after all the med stuff I've been through.

I'm really hoping that this problem is going to alleviate itself to the point I can feel reasonably 'normal, it's so encouraging to hear stories like yours that give hope.

