I'm pregnant!!!


There is hope........I'm preggers!!!!!!!! Hurrah!!! I'm so sorry I haven't been on here for an age. Life kind of takes over and I slowly began to discover how to live again depsite having prolapse and thinking i was never going to be able to walk again. So I knew it was better than ever and I went to see my consultant in Sept who couldn't believe it when he "graded" me - it was a 2 3/4 when I first went to see him and he said it was now around a 1-ish. He couldn't believe the difference. I just had to go for my own peace of mind and for confirmation really that everything WAS better and I wasn't going to risk things with another pregnancy (particularly after the corrective surgery I had to have following the botched episiotomy). So we went for it and here I am! I'm over the moon. Sure, I can feel my prolapse worse than ever - my cervix is way low BUT I know that after 3 months when the uterus lifts it will be a different story and as long as I keep going with what I'm doing I don't see any reason why it should get any worse. I can't believe my luck!!! Fingers crossed and God willing, everything will be ok. I'm really looking forward to seeing my Doctor who told me a couple of years ago to "count my blessings" and "forget about another pregnancy" - I'm really not going to be popular with her when I tell her I want a home water birth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with love and best wishes to you wonderful women xxxx

Many congratulations, great to hear of all these expecting mums. I hope to be joining the gang sometime in the near future. I look forward to reading your progress! Sorry it posted twice! Don't know how to delete the spare one!?

Many congratulations, great to hear of all these expecting mums. I hope to be joining the gang sometime in the near future. I look forward to reading your progress!

so happy for you : )
enjoy your pg, don't worry too much about the prolapse. sounds like yours is doing pretty well, even if it gets a bit worse you'll be able to whip it into shape after the baby comes.

wishing you a very healthy and joyful pg - keep us updated from time to time. you have no idea (or maybe you do) how inspirational and comforting it was for me to read of others who were able to have babies after finding a prolapse.

You go girl!! Keep on keeping on with what you are doing and keep feeling "over the moon". You should..how nice is that?? Preggo again...lots to be thankful for this very very Happy Thanksgiving!!

Much love and good wishes,


Hi JBee

Great news!! Hey, you know we are not put on this planet to be popular with doctors. I know you were not talking literally, but ...

No doubt your doctor will be more scared than you when you tell her you are pregnant, so be prepared to do a little bit of 'anxiety-calming' with her. This will be a great learning experience for her, and for you too. The bottom line is that you need to have confidence in your health professionals for the duration of your pregnancy and birth. I hope she can hang in there with you and be positive and encouraging, and not be a fearmonger. Otherwise you may need to seek other support. Make sure she gets her eyes on a copy of Saving the Whole Woman, edition 2. She needs to know all this stuff too.

Good luck.


Hello fabulous ladies
Thanks for your lovely wishes. I know EXACTLY what you're saying granolamom about being inspired by the pregnancy stories. I used to read all the birth stories and just hope that one day it would be me writing one too and that it would be possible.....so the power that they have and the hope and comfort they bring are sooooo important.
Didn't realise it was Thanksgiving. So, Happy Thanksgiving everyone - hope you all have a wonderful celebration with your families xxxxx

JBee your homebirth is going to be a dream. I am so excited for you to be pregnant and for just how much improvement you have experienced.
I have tried to write a few update posts about my current pregnancy so others going though it or considering it can have an idea what pregnancy and prolapse are all about- but since everyone experiences this prolapse thing differently it is great to have multiple women updating.
I hope to hear how your first trimester goes-
My prolapses are definitely more noticeable in size but so far not in symptom-
Wishing you a wonderful pregnancy, beautiful birth, and quick recovery!

Thank you alemama! YEs, to have updates is brilliant and also reassuring.....so far I'm REALLY feeling the prolapse (womb in particular although being constipated insn't helping any of them to be honest). I'm wondering whether that supporter thing would be helpful. Ah, gosh - I see there's a thread on it for post-partum stuff - will have a look - but has anyone had experience using it whislt being pregnant??
BTW - went to the Doctor today and it wasn't my usual one but the one I saw was actually quite pro my having a home birth. I almost fell off the chair! Fab!