Question about tampons


I'm 14 months pp and just got my first period after two years. I know I can't believe it has been that long! Anyway I was diganosed with uterine pop and cystocele around 8 weeks pp. everything has gone back right nicely and I don't notice it unless I make a huge mistake like running for a while then jumping rope. Here's my issue...Does anyone else have a hard time wearing a tampon? I am finding it really uncomfortable. I'm not sure if I should go bigger (sorry I guess this is kind of gross..but honestly who else can talk to??) or if I'm going to big. Does anyone recommend a particular brand? Just curious if anyone had any tips?

try typing it into the search box
some women have a hard time keeping tampons in with a POP, others actually use a tampon as a pessary.
personally, I had better luck with the OB tampons, they're smaller and easier to place well so they dont' get pushed out by the bladder.
you could also try the sea sponges.

These are the only ones that I have found to work well without falling out. I think it's because they open wide and not long, if that makes sense. I usually use the Super ones only on the first couple of days.

You could always try a tampon the other way round - Works for me (I call it the shelf)

So it goes in one end firstthen the other end pushes fwd a little bit and stays there no problems (If one end tries to leave you just adjust it back)

I have one or two days a month just before my period when if I am on my feet alot I feel a little worse so save one of these for that day in my pocket.

Sounds weird - But give it a try - Its better for my POP than anything else i've tried on a bad day.

The rest of the month I tend to just go as is (using nothing) but on the draggiest of days - This has always helped - And - You can also use them this way for your period if your POP pushes out a tampon the normal way round

Sometimes youre holding someone else's heart in your hands. You can drop that heart & bruise it. You can squash that heart & hurt it. Or you can stomp on it & totally annihalate it. You stomp on that heart or bruise it. It can forever be changed ♥

to go so long with out a period. I went about 5 years- had two periods and am now pregnant again- so I guess at least 2 years before I have another period.
I don't have a uterine prolapse and I suspect that is the reason you are having trouble retaining a tampon.
I was able to use the playtex sport too. and at the end of my second period my prolapse was basically gone- I think the tampon pushed it back for those 72 hours or so and it just stayed that way for a while.
I think granolamom has had good luck with the diva cup- but I don't think she has a uterine prolapse either.

Maybe there is a trick to inserting it-maybe if you get on your knees and put your chest on the floor and put it in when everything is tipped forward it will work-
Another thought I had: you could lie down on your back- put it in and wait a little while for it to fill and expand- then maybe it would stay in better.

It has been some hours since you wrote your post- have you had any success yet?

Can you explain again how you are inserting the tampon? Is it sitting horizontally? Or at a diagonal?

haha, good memory, alemama!
I didn't mention it here because I'm having mixed results with it.
I love the simplicity of it and its working well. no garbage generated, no pads to wash. it stays in. BUT I can't say I recommend it. because I still have the cystocele, I have to get the diva cup in past it. it basically ends up sitting on my bladder (and I say that loosely, it may be the urethra, I still dont' know). as it fills (the cup I mean, not the bladder), I start to feel cystocele pressure. I think it may be aggravating the cystocele, because after my period it seems bigger. but then again, I don't do the nauli and firebreathing during my period, so maybe thats why it gets bigger. I don't know

and as far as uterine prolapse, well, I'm in denial still, but I'll be a big girl and own up to it. I'm fairly certain I've got a uterine prolapse as well. don't know how much of that is normal due to birthing four children, how much of it is asymptomatic due to rectocele/cystocele holding it up.
I've been ignoring it because it makes me feel better and whats the difference anyway.

so there ya have it.

It is horizontally.

Put one end in and push to one side till other end goes oin - Then push forwards a little to make a kinda shelf. When it moves back to the centre - Then it usually will not exit at all (sometimes it tries to let one end drop down but its east to reposition.

It is as easy as inserting a tampon the right way up - But the POP does not just spush it straight out this way round so it is like ||||||||||||| that way round but one end has to go in first as the tampons I use are very slightly wider than the introitis (entrance)

As I said - I do not do this all the time and if I were wanting to go out and standing for hours and hours and needed something i felt I wouldnt hafta worry about so much I would use the sponge - Roll sponge into tampon shape and insert same way round as tampon and it does the same.

Try both - Either one can be good :-)

Sometimes youre holding someone else's heart in your hands. You can drop that heart & bruise it. You can squash that heart & hurt it. Or you can stomp on it & totally annihalate it. You stomp on that heart or bruise it. It can forever be changed ♥