When I first “cracked the code” on stabilizing and reversing prolapse, and wrote and published Saving the Whole Woman, I set up this forum. While I had finally gotten my own severe uterine prolapse under control with the knowledge I had gained, I didn’t actually know if I could teach other women to do for themselves what I had done for my condition.
So I just started teaching women on this forum. Within weeks, the women started writing back, “It’s working! I can feel the difference!”
From that moment on, the forum became the hub of the Whole Woman Community. Unfortunately, spammers also discovered the forum, along with the thousands of women we had been helping. The level of spamming became so intolerable and time-consuming, we regretfully took the forum down.
Technology never sleeps, however, and we have better tools today for controlling spam than we did just a few years ago. So I am very excited and pleased to bring the forum back online.
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Remember, the forum is here for two reasons. First, to get your questions answered by other women who have knowledge and experience to share. Second, it is the place to share your results and successes. Your stories will help other women learn that Whole Woman is what they need.
Whether you’re an old friend or a new acquaintance, welcome! The Whole Woman forum is a place where you can make a difference in your own life and the lives of thousands of women around the world!
Best wishes,
Christine Kent
Whole Woman
October 28, 2008 - 9:49am
I love C too
i know it aids in tissue healing. How did it change your digestion? I give it to my family to bowel tolerance- which means when they get runny I back off. My oldest son can consume 3Xs what his siblings can and when he is sick even more than that.
I am glad you are feeling so good. It is amazing how there are so many factors involved in healing. I am reading a book called Animal Vegetable Miracle - by Kingsolver and it is so very eye opening. She shares just how pared down our plant resources have become with over 700,000 species extinct. I am starting to make the connection that many of our ailments are caused by this lack of variety and lack of nutrients.
She shares some very interesting perspectives about eating "in season" and how the earth provides all the necessary nutrients all year long in different seasons- for example when fruit is not on the tree there are other available sources of vitamin C etc....
October 28, 2008 - 9:30pm
Vit c etc
Hi Alemama
Thanks for replying. We take the Vit C to bowel tolerence too.. that's why I'm at 4-5000 mg and my husband can take up to 10,000 per day. Digestion is ok... but we spread the
doses through out the day.
I too have read Barbara Kingsolver's book Animal Vegetable Miracle. (and all of her other books too!) Its a wonderful wake up call - we have been growing and living organic for many years up here in Canada. And doing the best we can with what we buy - striving for local and seasonal (mostly) and organic foods. Homeopathy and herbals are high on our list too. Neither of us has been sick (eg flu colds etc) for a very long time. Vitamin D
is also very important to everyday life and health... not particularly for prolapse et al
but in general. Vitamin C is still the best overall fix I've found for this woman's issue. And the WW Posture of course!
October 30, 2008 - 11:23pm
Uterovaginal Prolapse
I have been scheduled for anterior-posterior compartment defect repair/vaginal colpopexy extensive perineoplasty/cystoscopy surgery. A Urogynocologist is to be the doctor in charge. Because of my job, and because I think I can, I have postponed the November surgery date until May of '09. Reading the stories on this site is very interesting. I enjoy a very active lifestyle with watersports, boating, and all that goes with it. Of course this involves very strenuous activities. I am not willing to give this up for the rest of my life. But since I have postponed the surgery for 6 months, I began wondering just HOW to make the best use of this time as far as getting physically fit. Who knows, the prolapse (diagnosed as stage 3) just may correct itself with proper self-treatment. Do you know of special excercises, {besides the obvious Kegals (sp?)} and supplements and lifestyle changes to possibly help me, so I might not have to face this surgery at all? I am 55 years old and had 3 vaginal delivery births. The first one involved extensive tearing, in addition to a weak attempt to administer an episiotomy.(Second and 3rd deliveries went smoothly, and I will add, with a different OB/GYN!) Thank you for any further information you can give. I will begin the Vitamin C TOMORROW!
October 30, 2008 - 11:35pm
There's so much there to begin with
There's so so much you can do.
1. Get Christine's book and learn all you can. Incorporate all of the suggested changes - diet, posture, clothing, etc.- know what gyno surgery means and the risks involved.
2. Begin doing the ballet workout from Christine's book (STWW, 2nd ed.);
3. Believe that healing is possible and trust your intuition to lead to you to things that will help you heal. In the beginning, I tried everything. Accupuncture and chinese herbs, chiropractic, alexander technique, homeopathy, kegelmaster, on and on.
4. Try firebreathing and nauli. Look up back posts on these topics;
5. I've successfully used gentle rebounding to heal. email me if you want further info or ask a question here.
I had bulging at the introitus 2.7 years ago. Couldn't run, afraid to carry my then baby, etc. Now, no limitations -- hike, play soccer, run, run up and down stairs, rebound, eat, drink wine, laugh; still feel symptoms sometimes, sometimes not -- doesn't run my life. My physio was shocked at the level of my condition when it first happened. Felt like a death knell. It wasn't. Your body can heal. Would hate to live with the limit of not lifting -- I lift my SIXTY THREE pound 6 year old. Not for too long, mind you, but I can do it.
Keep the faith.
November 5, 2008 - 9:34pm
Vitamin C & Prolapse
Hi Balride,
As a person who will try anything, (short of surgery and carrot pessaries!), for my 3rd degree bladder prolapse, I find your post VERY interesting! Do you know what stage your prolapse was when you started the Vit. C? Is it still working? I think I am going to give it a try. I don't think it can hurt. Anyone out there have any idea why this might/might not work? Also, does anyone know if there can be ill effects from taking that much Vit. C on a daily basis?
I'd appreciate any thoughts and/or comments.
As always....
Warm regards,
November 10, 2008 - 8:56pm
Vitamin C megadose and POP
Hi Mae
Thanks for replying. I'm a bit late in getting back to your note... but things are
busy up here still... no snow yet! I think that the Vit C is an easy and helpful way
to help anyones' POP. There is no danger of toxicity and your bowels will tell you when
enuf is enuf. I'm still averaging 5-6000 mg a day - through the day. I forgot to have my juice and C one morning...and I sure knew it by midmorning! Normally I have no
reminders of peeking and such till well after lunch... when I'm smart I take another 1000mg at lunch - and a few chewable through the afternoon. There are added bonuses
- cold and flu protection, my achy arthritic joints and back don't bother me at all,
and lots of energy! The Vit C is helpful in relation to the collagen that makes up all
our muscles, ligaments and tendons in the body. It really, really works for me.
November 11, 2008 - 7:08am
vitamin C
Hi Mae,
It is important to drink at least 8, 8oz.glasses of water a day if taking a lot of vit.c.I have taken c intravenously for my leukemia and that is 75 grams a dose. I am glad to know that c also helps with prolapse.
Best Wishes,
November 11, 2008 - 12:34pm
Vitamin C works like a charm!
Thanks Balride! This Megadose plan is amazing!! I started the Vit. C on the day I replied to your post. Within a few hours I could have sworn I noticed a difference, but figured it had to be all in my mind. The following day there was a definite difference. The "peek" was almost not peeking. Now, the peek is gone! Sometimes it's just inside the opening and a lot of the time much higher. I do fine for the first few hours after taking the C (stays up pretty high) then I start to feel it dropping. Like you, I pop another C and in minutes I'm good again! I started out with 3,000 mgs. of C spread out over the day. I am now up to 3500 mgs. a day, which I will have to stay at for a while because I am on antibiotics as of yesterday for an abscessed wisdom tooth (always something!) and if I get an upset stomach I won't know if it's the med's or the C if I up it.
Thank you, thank you for posting your success with this. I hope it continues to work for the both of us and your dh as well.
Blue..I did this experiment without you, but thought about my partner in Trial and Error Experiments while I was doing it! This might be worth a try for you as well! I don't see how it can hurt and I can't tell you how nice it is to not be constantly reminded about my prolapse!
Nonnie...thanks for the advice. I didn't know it was important to drink a lot of water with the C. I try to have 8 glasses a day, but sometimes slack off. I won't now that I am on the Megadose plan!
As an added bonus, I have not had to use the Replens since starting this. I have no idea why, but I don't. It would be nice if that continues as well.
Thank you again Balride. What an amazing dicovery and by chance no less!
Warmest regards,
November 11, 2008 - 11:37pm
Thank you SO much for posting, Mae, and for thinking of me, too! I had been following this thread right along, but like so many other different positive-result postings that come through this wonderful WW-pipeline (this Blue's lifeline), I wondered if such markedly positive effects could ever apply to me - being one so far gone and eons beyond postpartum as I am (the young so graced by improvement, it seems)...
I kept coming back, though, checking and rechecking...and double rechecking Balride's initial post - seeing that she IS a grandmom too and that her prolapse peeked like mine... and that there were TWO "very"s in her closing...
So here I've been, sitting and wondering if it would do the same for me (or for anyone but me, for that matter) - not catching if alemama's Vitamin-C dosage affected her POP or not...
And then tonight I find my test partner, Mae (without even a single "dare-ya" in figuring who'd go first) popping mega C's and seeing HER pop ease! Won-der-ful!!!! = : D I'm so happy for you, kiddo! - and now that makes two "very, very" positive outcomes posted!
Vitamin C is definitely going on my grocery list. Like you said, Mae, it can't hurt to try, and who knows, maybe this time I'll be able to join the ranks of POPs-outa-sight. While I no longer think of mine every minute of the day, I would love, love, love it if it were only me and my granddaughter playing the game of peek-a-boo.
Thank you Balride! Thank you Mae!
C-ya! = : )
November 12, 2008 - 12:33am
Sources of vitamin C
Don't have time to post long, but I'd check into source of vitamin C -- here's a little blurb from the Radiant Life Company catalog on the subject:
"Natural whole food source Vitamin C has been found to be more potent and available than ascorbic acid, and much more healthy for you.
In the 1930s, Dr. Szent-Györgyi won the Nobel Prize in medicine for identifying vitamin C and all its many health benefits. Although he successfully isolated the molecule ascorbic acid in his research, his studies clearly demonstrated the vastly superior benefits of consuming foods rich in vitamin C. For this reason, even though he discovered ascorbic acid, he did not recommend its use! In fact, Dr. Szent-Györgyi affirmed over and over again that the best results occurred when people consumed vitamin C in its natural food form. "
For more info, check out Radiant Life Company website, or westonaprice.org. The Radiant Life Co. sells some supplements made from whole food source.
November 12, 2008 - 9:23am
Marie Vitamin C
Hi Marie,
Thank you so much for the valuable information. I plan to try to get my megadose of vitamin C in more naturally (at least some of it) but I was anxious to give this a try and it was quick and easy. The websites you recommended are wonderful! A wealth of knowledge on westonaprice.org and healthy supplements on Radiant Life. Thanks!
I am anxious to find some time to sit down and really go through the Weston A. Price website. I learned so much in the few minutes I had to look at it. I put both websites in my favorite places for quick reference.
Warm regards,
November 12, 2008 - 9:20am
What is the truth?
There are so many different opinions out there about vit C. Here is what I read on another site that discusses how to absorb it better.
"Remember that Vitamin C Supplements are water soluble. With this in mind, purchase the product at lower doses or better yet, tablets that are easily split. The 1000mg tablet offers no real benefit unless you like to see your money go down the toilet.Stay away from the word 'natural'. It's a ploy to extract money from your pockets. You would need to consume a ton of rose-hips to produce enough Vitamin C to fill your daily needs, plus the contaminates increase. Your body can not tell natural from synthetic. I prefer a 100mg tablet taken in half (50mg) several times daily to do the job. Beware of chewable Vitamin C products. Remember this vitamin is acidic. Protect your teeth from harmful effects on the enamel erosion. The tablet should be swallowed with water."
November 12, 2008 - 4:33pm
"C" Blue!
Hi Blue!
I knew you'd be following this post. If Tweedledum is interested in something, one can surely bet Tweedledee can't be far behind! No "dare ya's" necessary this time. Popping C's is not quite the same as popping sponges in places where I never knew a sponge could go! :-)
So far so good with me. I am a little concerned about mommynow's post because I have been alternating between regular tablets and the chewables. Maybe the chewables aren't such a good idea. I also have been taking a 1,000 mgs. at a time. Maybe I'll cut that down to 500 mgs. at a time and just take them more often throughout the day. Seems to be working very well though. I'll have to do a little more research.
I know what you mean Blue, about the young mom's with prolapse. Thank goodness they usually get better with time. I wonder if the vitamin C would help them get there more quickly. However, if they are breastfeeding...then that might be a whole different issue.
Mommynow, thanks for the info. Are you taking the C's for prolapse? If so, has it helped?
Alemama, what about you? You said you believed in megadoses for your kids. Do you take C's for prolapse?
Ahh, this wonderful website for caring, sharing, learning, trials and errors. We are so lucky to be able do this. Thank you Christine!
Keep me posted Blue! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
C-ya! (Whoops! That was your line..but I'm stealing it, like I stole your ~ before your name...you are much more clever than I (Tweedledum) am!!
November 12, 2008 - 11:23pm
Mae, as I "C" it...
Hiya Mae!
I know that I said I'd be adding Vitamin-C to my grocery list with intentions of starting on it by week's end, but somehow it had escaped my sieve-like memory that I was already taking 'C' on a daily basis (one 500mg dose) along with my other daily supplements (+ another 90(?)in my multi), so I do have it on hand afterall! (DH fills my dispenser -so, out of label, out of mind, I guess).
Anyway, I started mega-dosing today. Unlike you and Balride, I can't say that there was any notable difference in my prolapse this first day on C's, but perhaps tomorrow - I will give it time, though, in the event my system's just a bit slower to catch on. So, continued dosing ala hoping, here. = : )
For the record, I ended up taking a total of 5000mgs spread throughout the day; starting out with 1000mgs for the first two doses, but then taking it 500mgs at a time after that. And now, after reading Mommynow's sharings on C's flushability when taken in other than small amounts, I too will stick to 500mg at a time throughout the day tomorrow. I'll limit myself to 5000mgs, total.
LOL, Mae: that tilde thingy (~) we're using before our names as we sign-off kind of reminds me of a wave... anyway, something to ride out on, eh? = ; )
Be good
EDIT::: Whups - Make that a total of 4000mgs for my first day, Wednesday, not 5000. Thursday's total will likely be between 4000 and 5000.
November 13, 2008 - 1:39pm
I "C" Blue!
Hi Blue,
So you have a seive-like memory too, eh? By the time we become Grandmas, I think we all do. I used to blame it on being blonde...now I get to pick between being blonde and/or "senile." LOL!
I thought I noticed a difference with the C at the end of the first day, but I think Balride said she noticed it after a few days, so hang in there (no pun intended). I'm still doing well with it. I wish I could up the dosage, but I'll have to wait until I come off the med's. As I suspected, the med's are giving me a bad stomach (started today) so I am glad I didn't up the "C" anymore or I wouldn't know for sure what was causing it.
Another thing I noticed is the stream of my urine has changed. It is much more forceful and stream lined. I did not have a steady stream before...it was more like it was pouring out of a glass. It is also a much lighter color, which I suspect has to do with all the water I am taking in. All in all, I can still say, like Balride, I am "2 very's" pleased with it.
A lot of work this prolapse, but worth it to avoid surgery. There are a lot of pluses as well. I eat better, exercise more, keep my weight at bay and while most people wouldn't think my posture is better from looking at me, I know it is.
Keep me posted Blue. Your buddy Dum wants to C this work for you too!
November 13, 2008 - 6:38pm
Mae I am interested in this
Mae I am interested in this because taking a big amount of vitamin C supplement is what finally helped me get rid of the thrush that my baby and I had for months after her birth. My nutritionist told me to take 1000mg once a day and she said I could take up to 2000mg while breastfeeding. She said to take it until your stool gets loose and then back up until it is the right amount for you. Anyway the shooting pains I had finally went away when I started this supplement of genestra ascorbate powder. I have only taken 1000mg but after reading your post I was interested in how it could help my prolapse. I have not tried more than 1000mg yet. I will be fully weaned in a few weeks so will have more flexibility then to play with my diet etc. I hope it keeps working for you and others. For me the big help was the posture. I learned recently that I was doing it wrong from the beginning. I had focused too much on the butt and stomach and my upper body was not right at all. Lifting my chest has made a big difference but I am having a hard time maintaining this posture all the time. I have had rounded shoulders and slumped for so many years especially with competitive swimming that it is hard to untrain that.
November 13, 2008 - 8:46pm
"C" mommynow
Hi mommynow,
The posture was difficult to get for me at first as well. I took it very easy at first..catching myself several times a day out of posture and putting myself back into it. I find it easiest to do when I am sitting. I almost never sit with my back on the back of a chair. That makes my bladder drop almost immediately. I never tried to think about it 24/7. I would just stop a few times a day and put myself in it if I wasn't already. Now it just comes naturally...unless I'm tired...then my body goes back to it's old bad habits.
I did not know that Vit. C was good for thrush. I wonder if that applies to mouth thrush as well as, for whatever reason, now and again I have a bout of that. I'll have to research that.
I would try the megadose Vit. C when the baby is weaned, if you decide to do it. It's not that long and why even take the chance that it might not be the best thing for your little one.
I am still in the experimental stage with this. My prolapse isn't high up, but it's not peeking..almost ever so far, unless it's time for another C. I am only at 3500 mgs. since I am on med's until Monday. I am very anxious to up the dosage and see if it helps even more. I am hoping so since Balrider has had such great success with a higher dosage. I am so thankful for her posting.
Keep me posted mommynow. I'll be interested in hearing how you are doing.
Stay in posture, eat well, exercise and enjoy that baby! Time goes by so fast...trust me.
November 16, 2008 - 12:30am
Hi Mae
I know what you mean about the Weston A. Price organization and Radiant Life Co. I have read Dr. Price's book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, and it's my favorite nutrition book. It's totally amazing to me the research he did on cultures in the 1930's untouched by western diets, and how he has isolated what it was in primitive diets that produced such amazing physical and mental characteristics. He also synthesized what the common thread was in these 14 different people groups, even though they were eating vastly different foods based on locality and availability. Also, once modern foods were introduced (aka white flour and sugar), the health of the people began deteriorating. He also has amazing findings on the importance of prenatal nutrition.
I also love Sally Fallon's cookbook "Nourishing Traditions", and use many of the traditional food prep techniques such as soaking and sprouting grains and beans to increase vitamin content, soaking and drying nuts, culturing dairy products, lacto-fermentation, and making kombucha. In two years, I think I've just touched the tip of the iceberg. One of the keys that I've synthesized from my understanding is the importance of two items in the diet: high-quality cod liver oil and butter from cows fed rapidly growing green grass. I also have a small daily serving of raw milk. These items supply fat soluable vitamins A and D, which was what Dr. Price found to be the common factor in the diets of the 14 people groups he studied.
I certainly feel more healthy than ever. As far as the Vitamin C, I'll give it a try, too. And, in terms of sources, I'm no scientist, but I trust the research done by the organization, and generally think that a whole food source is going to result in better absorption, because that's how our bodies were meant to eat.
Have a great day!
November 18, 2008 - 10:49am
oh say, can you "c"?
Hello, ladies:
I've been trying a vitamin program I found on a women's health website. So far, I can only take one fourth of the multi-vitamin tablets that they recommend per day because my bowels do not tolerate that much vitamin C. (Yuk.) Maybe I could take them in smaller doses during the course of a day, but I'll have to get a pill-cutter.
I am 54 and five years post-menopausal. My cystocele varies from day to day, but I am much better off than I ever expected I would be six or eight months ago. My urogynecologist initially recommended surgery, but by then I had found this website and bought Christine's book, and I told him I wanted to wait. Now he sees a big improvement in the tissues.
Things I have found helpful so far include:
Bell's Bladder Support herbal tea;
the dance exercises in Christine's book;
"double voiding": leaning forward during urination to make sure the bladder empties completely (yes, this is very important, and I have not had a single urinary tract infection);
using a tampon when I ride a horse or engage in other high-impact activity;
using a vaginal hormone suppository for thirty days in a row and then tapering back to twice per week (this helped rejuvenate the tissues of the vagina and vulva);
applying the various balms available from this website.
Still, I have maddening instances of urinary incontinence. Sometimes urine leaks when I exercise or just bend over, or when I drive a car. It is never very much, just enough to remind me that I still have a problem. I have tried an overactive bladder medication but quit after 2 1/2 weeks because it didn't help the incontinence and it made my bladder harder to empty. I owe a debt of gratitude to Christine Kent, plus to Louise and all the women on this site who have shared their stories and their wisdom. I wish I could just get rid of the incontinence for good, but I am able to do the things I really want to do. I keep you all in my prayers.
November 18, 2008 - 6:41pm
Yes, I can "C"
Hi Saddleup,
Interesting post! What is the Womens Health website that you found for your vitamin program, if you don't mind sharing?
Also, about Bells Bladder Support herbal tea? Where do you get that..online or at a health food store?
Last, but not least, what is the name of the vaginal hormone suppository that you use?
I would so appreciate this info! Hey, as we all know, I'll try anything short of surgery or carrot pessaries!!
November 18, 2008 - 8:39pm
' 0 say, can you "c"?
Hi Saddleup
I just had a little thought pop up while I was reading the last bit of your post. It was one of those little thoughts that we normally dismiss because we don't like, or are inconsistent with other thoughts we have, or are irrelevant in the current situation. It went like this.
"Hey, I leak a couple of drops sometimes, probably less than once a day. I don't regard that as incontinence, or is it?"
It is usually when I am getting out of bed in a hurry in the morning and am thinking about emptying my bladder, though it often doesn't feel full. I imagine that I would probably piss myself seriously if I was being chased by a tiger, but is that incontinence or just blind panic?
I don't have to wear pads, or even thick knickers. I don't have to be aware of the location of the next toilet during my day. The drops dry in a jiff, so it is not a problem. I just need to be aware of how I move. Having said that, I don't do a lot of team sport type running, or tennis. My exercise is all pretty controlled. I can even jog on hard ground for ten minutes without loss of bladder control as long as my movements are all controlled.
I am wondering if 'we with damaged pelvic fasciae' etc are striving for a ridiculous degree of perfection?
Anyone got any thoughts on this?
November 18, 2008 - 9:41pm
I "C" you want specifics.
Hello, Mae:
The Bell's Tea is available in health food stores. It's pricey for a box of tea, but it has a blend of herbs that are supposed to support good bladder health. It contains cranberry, for one. It's not a miracle cure. However, it tastes good, and it seems to help with preventing UTI's.
I use a prescription, bioidentical estrogen suppository: "Vagifem" is the the name. This is estrogen made in a lab and NOT derived from mares' urine. My ob-gyn prescribed it for me after I entered menopause, but I was somewhat lax about taking it. Apparently, the tissues can start to atrophy pretty quickly when our natural estrogen supply drops.
The vitamin program is from "Women to Women" online. They supply little packets of vitamin, mineral, and fish oil supplements, along with an herbal tablet that is supposed to help balance our hormones and de-stress the adrenal glands. One packet in the a.m. and one in the evening, plus an herbal pill each time, is the usual dose, but I can't take all the vitamin C in the vitamin tablets. They've really mega-dosed it. I guess the supply will last longer that way. I am trying to gradually build up the dosage, especially because of the vitamin C success stories reported here.
I think I got the idea of using Vagifem 30 days in a row from something I read at Women to Women. I mentioned the idea to my urogynecologist, who readily agreed to try it. (Why didn't he propose it first? We have to advocate for ourselves, don't we?) Women to Women has a lot of articles on a variety of health topics, and I think they take a wise and balanced approach to women's health. End of commercial, and I hope this isn't violating forum policy.
So, those are the specifics. I love how we all keep trying new things to see what will work for us. It really seems to be a combination of all sorts of things, doesn't it? Best wishes to all.
November 18, 2008 - 9:51pm
stressful situations
Hi, Louise:
So far I have achieved a perfect success rate in not being chased by a tiger. If I found myself in that situation, I would probably shimmy up the nearest acacia tree, thorns and all, and worry about urinary incontinence later.
That is, of course, a situation in which the most continent of humans might just "lose it" anyway. Blind panic it is.
I don't know if we're trying to achieve a normalcy that is no longer possible. I would like to get through life without wearing a minipad all the time. Since I started using WW techniques and doing the other things I reported, the number of soaked pads in the bathroom trash can has gone way down. If I want to absolutely prevent leakage, I can wear a tampon.
Lions and tigers and bears--oh my!
November 19, 2008 - 12:58am
Hi Saddleup
Great news that you have been able to reduce pad use. I am happy to know that I am able to deal with anything my bladder can dish out to me without having to carry spare knickers or use pads. It is losing the fear that my body will let me down when I want to do things that is important to me; that it won't limit me. I don't feel controlled by my bladder.
November 19, 2008 - 3:30pm
Now I "C" Saddleup
Thank you Saddleup! Great information. I will pick up the tea next time I am at the Health Food store. I have already have been to the Women to Women website and it's great. Lots of good information there.
I am still mega-dosing on the Vitamin C. Can't believe how much it helps. I am off antibiotics now so I'm upping the dosage. I'm hoping that will help even more.
Thanks again for sharing!
As Blue says, ( and I love stealing her lines!)
"C" ya!
December 8, 2008 - 10:22pm
Still in trial form?
This is an amazing line of conversation! Are you all still partaking in the megadose? If so, how is it working for everyone after this length of time? I am persuaded to try it at any rate.
December 9, 2008 - 7:29am
"C" trial
Hi MyChelle,
I am still doing the megadose of vitamin C and it definitely helps me! I start out with 1,000 mgs. and a glass of orange juice in the morning. At lunch, and then in the late afternoon, I take another 1,000. On some days, if I feel myself start to "peek", I'll pop another one right away. Usually though, I am good with 3,000 mgs a day. It has helped me a lot. No, my cystocele is not gone, but it is much, much better...meaning higher up. I see it as another way to "manage" my prolapse and I am grateful for (and think about) Balride and her post every time I pop a pill. Works for me! Might want to give it a try. It can't hurt and besides, there are many added benefits to taking vitamin C!
Good luck and let us know how it goes if you decide to give it a go!
Warm regards,
December 9, 2008 - 9:00am
Hello Michelle, While I am
Hello Michelle,
While I am so truly gladdened by the rise that dear Mae and Balride have gotten out of mega-dose 'C' therapy, I'm sad to report that it hasn't done the same for me despite the 4000-5000mg daily dose I tried on for a bit over a week. In my case, I've concluded that I'm probably just too far gone to benefit from the different things that have helped others.
As Mae shared, it can't hurt, and it has made a noticeable difference for her and Balride, so do consider giving it a try. And yes, please do let us know how you fare if you do, Michelle. Perhaps it will spur me to set 'C' again for a another try should others report similar 'POP-ups' to whatever degree. I know I get a lift from threading through the sharings of all the strong women who gather here. = : )
Best wishes
December 9, 2008 - 10:34am
Vit C
Hmmm my other post seems to have gone astray lol (I prolly did something wrong)
Can I ask - Are there any down sides to megadoses of Vit C - As in other problems occuring?
Sounds very interesting :-)
Sometimes youre holding someone else's heart in your hands. You can drop that heart & bruise it. You can squash that heart & hurt it. Or you can stomp on it & totally annihalate it. You stomp on that heart or bruise it. It can forever be changed ♥
December 9, 2008 - 7:04pm
Vit C Sue
Hi Sue,
I have read many articles about Vit C and have not found anything that says magadoses can hurt you. In fact, it amazes me how it helps so many things...some say even cancer.
The secret to taking Vit C is, like Alemama said in a previous post, taking it to bowel tolerance. That means you can keep increasing the dosage until you get diarrhea-like symptoms. Then you cut back to what you were taking before you got the diarrhea-like symptoms..
Blue, I am so sorry this hasn't worked for you. It happened almost immediately for me, but it took Balride some time. Maybe if you give it more time??
Interesting though, that it doesn't get better with larger doses of Vit C. It lifts a little (no peeking..which was a problem for me) at 3,000-4,000 mgs but doesn't do any better with larger doses. I'm O.K. with that...any help is a blessing. I have not had one bad day (except when I was on antibiotics) since I started the C's which was at the end of October!
Good luck if you try it Sue. Keep us posted if you do!
December 10, 2008 - 6:32am
Hi ya (Vit C)
I searched it - And found this which is kinda worrying...
Bacically loads of not so good stuff...
That is saddening/worrying - I guess everything comes with some down sides though..... I'll stick with the posture and a helthy lifestyle brought through food and watch how you guys go and contemplate for a while longer methinks
Sometimes youre holding someone else's heart in your hands. You can drop that heart & bruise it. You can squash that heart & hurt it. Or you can stomp on it & totally annihalate it. You stomp on that heart or bruise it. It can forever be changed ♥
December 10, 2008 - 11:44am
vitamin c megadoses
Thanks for posting this information, Sue. I was going to respond in a similar vein when I got the chance.
I really like the website ic-network.com. It's for people with interstitial cystitis, but there's good general info as well. Sounds like large doses of C can be very irritating to the bladder.
Beyond the risks of megadoses of vitamin C - which include kidney stones because a fraction of all C in the body naturally turns to oaxalic acid - it's hard for me to understand how ascorbic acid on its own could cause such drastic tissue changes. As with the disease scurvy, ascorbic acid does not cure a C deficiency on its own - but only in concert with all of its associated bioflavinoids. Actually, any vitamin deficiency takes a whole ray of additional nutrients to reverse.
Just a cautionary note...
December 10, 2008 - 11:47am
You have to read between the lines in the studies claiming such negative affects.....
December 10, 2008 - 1:40pm
Vit C again
There will always be for's and againsts.
The 'high' dose and a 'megadose' are a ways apart IMHO.
If it works for someone and they wish to take it I am glad for them :-)
But as Christine said - There are possible side effects that could be bad. And I think I would listen to her as she has not steered me wrong in the years I have known her to be honest.
I really hoped that this would be something that had no negative possible outcomes - But - From what I read - I thin the best thing I feel I can do for myself is posture. I have found no negatives in that in the years I ahave been doing it.
And as I said before - On my worst days I do use a little help (Be it sponge or tampon the day before my period is due)
Alot of times a positive can take with it a negative - And that is sad as I would wish for all of us to only get the positive.
But - Being a worrywart I will wait and see how things go for others in the long run. As I have very few problems with my Grade3. I think I can wait :-)
Sometimes youre holding someone else's heart in your hands. You can drop that heart & bruise it. You can squash that heart & hurt it. Or you can stomp on it & totally annihalate it. You stomp on that heart or bruise it. It can forever be changed ♥
December 10, 2008 - 4:30pm
Vit. C Mommynow
You are so right Mommynow. You must read between the lines in these studies. I think the facts speak for themselves. The Whole Woman techniques are the best, but there are other things that can possibly help us as well. I like to try things that have worked for others...some I add to my POP management and some I dismiss. It's working for you (and others) so don't be discouraged. In fact..be thrilled! Just remember the bowel tolerance. By now you must have weaned the baby and upped the dose. I hope it is working even better for you now.
With warm regards,
December 10, 2008 - 5:57pm
peer reviewed medical journals
that is what I like to read. I like to find the same topic approached in many different ways- I like to look at sample size- I like to look at how the results were discovered- I like to calculate the stats on my own using their numbers and equations and of course I ALWAYS like to see who funded the study. Sometimes you have to dig really deep to find the parent company etc. but it can be done.
As for my family-well we take emergen-c. I give it to them if they seem like they are coming down with something- and when they are sick. My middle child had a severe case of mono- and he still gets the sickest the fastest and can also tolerate 3X more than his siblings.
First and most important I want us to get our nutrients through food. This is mostly easy to do- but when you have a sick child it is kinda hard to push the oranges etc...but I can get the C into them and it really does help. I will also have some to treat a headache. The emergency Immune defense packet has many other beneficial vitamins, minerals, etc...
I have no idea if my prolapse is better for it or not- When I am on a high dose of C it is because I am sick and my prolapse is the last thing on my mind-
all nutrients play crucial roles in the body- Most people today do not get enough of most things- Iodine, copper, magnesium, fiber, protein, D, selenium-we don't eat as intended and we suffer for that.
I refuse to take a multi- vitamin- I think it is a total waste of money and not good for the body at all- but I would not hesitate to recommend one if I thought the person in question was going to be living on fast food.
I figure the C is much better than the motrin, tylenol, abx etc.. I might take - or the various and sundry different drugs recommended by doctors and big pharma to treat simple infection.
the science makes sense to me with C and prolapse- tissue damage- tissue healing- but then I have not made any attempt to read peer reviewed medical journals about tissue healing, injury and C- or long term results of mega dose etc.
I would never take any vitamin as a supplement long term- get it from food. you want to take 4,000 mg of C a day- well that is 53mg/ orange...or a little under 100 oranges a day. get to eatin. Seems strange that the body would need so much that the earth didn't make a fruit that would be reasonable to eat that amount- well it does
acerola has 1677mg/100g
Kakadu Plum has 2300 to 3150mg/100g
so there you have it- exists for us.
December 10, 2008 - 6:35pm
multi vit
alemama -
what's the harm in multivitamins? if you're getting a pretty good diet, I hear you on the waste of money. but didn't know they were harmful.
also, I doubt that most of the foods we get these days contain the vitamins they should, its not always possible to get fresh, organic produce.
December 10, 2008 - 10:54pm
ya it is tricky
vitamin absorption is one reason I won't take a mulit. The way the absorption in the body works is that you can't absorb all those vitamins at one time.
then processing out the excess is taxing on the body's filtering systems-
here is an interesting quote I read:
"Studies have shown that individual vitamin isolates found in supplements are only about 10% absorbed while vitamins directly from a fresh plant source are 77% to 93% absorbed. Minerals have an even lower absorption rate - 1% to 5%. But, from plants like raw broccoli, the minerals are 63% to 78% absorbable." (I didn't read the studies)
and then there is the what they are actually made of concern- unless you are taking a food source vitamin you are most likely eating petroleum etc- nasty stuff-
and I think we do have deficiencies- and that those can and should be addressed. But if the deficiency is D- then take a D source- not a multi- and get tested- or count your natural intake of all vitamins and minerals for a few weeks and then decide which specific vitamins to take-
food source vitamins are hard to take and hard to afford-most good ones have you taking them up to 6 times a day - and a month supply can cost as much as $1 a pill-
and with these you have to really know how to read the label to discern if it is indeed a food source or a food source synthetic mix.
http://www.doctorsresearch.com/articles4.html is interesting reading-
December 10, 2008 - 11:10pm
one more thing
Just want to mention...I consider vitamin C in high doses (even from a food source) to be medicinal.
December 11, 2008 - 7:52am
Vitamin C Medicine
I consider Vitamin C to be medicinal now as well Alemama. Healthy medicine for my prolapse..not to mention all the other things it is good for!
December 12, 2008 - 1:43am
Well, today has not been a good day. I tried the Vit C for the past 2 days... and I was up to 5000 and still hadnt found bowel disturbance. It felt wondeful those two days. Today I was so far behind for work, I forgot the Vit C... and now the cystocele is ... well, if it ordinarily peeks... I could say it is literally knocking the door down! It hasnt ever felt like this! I feel like I have a vaginal infection, if that makes sense. I am bulging and the tampax isnt working today. I have put one in and taken it out I dont know how many times. It just doesnt seem to fit right...One of them kinda shredded when it came out...Hope that isnt too much info, but it is truth. I worry about using tampax all the time...
I have been taking antibiotics the past 3 days... have a tooth infection, I don't know... could there be an interaction somewhere, somehow?
Could it be the Vit C is too acidic ???
I have been trying the posture, but I aint even sure I have it right. And I hate the feeling like I have my fat belly sticking out.
well, g'night ladies. I am going to bed. maybe it will climb back where it belongs and I can get a bit of relief.
December 12, 2008 - 9:54am
Confused MyChelle
Hi Michelle,
I am sorry you are going through such a bad time. The exact same thing happened to me when I was on antibiotics for an infection in my wisdom tooth! I don't know if you read my posts, but I went through the worst time I ever had with my prolapse. Before I went on the antibiotics everything was well under control. I am pretty good about diet, exercise and staying in posture. In addition to that, I had just started the Vit C and was thrilled with the "lift" it gave me. Then I got up one day and it was like my cystocele was going to hit the floor. I was devastated. However, after coming off the antibiotics, everything went back to normal...well, "normal" for me!
I never stopped taking the C's so I don't think that had anything to do with it since it got better after I stopped the med's. You mentioned you felt wonderful the two days you were taking the C's but weren't up to bowel tolerance yet. If you feel good maybe you don't need to take it to bowel tolerance. I never got there. I found I did very well with 3-4000 mgs. a day and stopped there.
I hope you feel better soon. What is it with these tooth infections, antibiotics and prolapse??? Very strange.
Here's to a speedy recovery!
December 13, 2008 - 1:54am
Thanks Mae...
It felt much better today, and I decided last night to continue with the Vit C. I am only gonna go to 4000 for now I think. That way I can take one at breakfast, lunch and dinner... and before I go to bed. As long as I don't feel it knocking ... last night was horrid, tho. Live and learn, I guess. I need the book ... once Christmas is over, I am gonna get it.
Does anyone have any advice about Vagifem? I have been post menopausal for years. Sometime back I was on Nuvaring until the gyn doc said it was too much estrogen for me and took it away. I noticed someone posted that she uses vagifem .... just wondering how it all works. Maybe I am just grasping at straws...:/
I do have to say, ladies, I feel much better knowing I am not alone in this ordeal. Before I found you all, I felt like an anomaly. It is nice to know I can get through this...