After menopause


Hi, haven't posted for ages and must confess I haven't been reading here much, but I always come back at some time!! Anyway, I am post menopausal (about 2 years since my periods ceased), I had a prolapse at about the time I was becoming menopausal, mainly due to straining on the toilet. Glad to say I don't do that any more but damage was done and my pelvic floor weakened and I got the "bulge" which has mostly stabilised so that I don't feel it most days. But the reason I'm writing is to ask if anyone here who is post menopausal gets any kind of slight discharge from the vagina. I get a very very slight light brown discharge some days. It is hardly noticeable but I wondered what it was. Would anyone here know that? It doesn't smell bad or anything (excuse the detail). I have googled to find something but haven't managed to find anything that really fits. Look forward to hearing from you and hope you're all having a great holiday.
Cheers, Wendy

that would be my guess-

My guess too. Now I am nearly there I notice a brownish stain for a couple of days before a period sets in proper. Having said that, the guidelines are that you have experienced menopause when you have been without a period for 12 months, and any bleeding after that time warrants investigation. If you are still worried a visit to the GP might be a sanity saver to eliminate more sinister things.



Good to get a response thanks. It is a very pale and scanty discharge which inclines me to think that it is not blood but am not entirely sure. May go to the doc and just check it out sometime. I seem to have passed through menopause without any great problems otherwise thankfully. Am quite glad I don't have periods now - one less hassle!! My prolapse is behaving very nicely thank you which is a huge relief. Nowadays I have to consciously think about it to even register that I have it because I have no physical symptoms now or very rarely. I notice though that even though I don't feel it, if I touch around my vulva area there is still a slight bulge when I'm standing up (nothing lying down though). So I guess it is thee still. Thing that I am most careful about these days is not to strain on the loo. Hope others there have found similar improvements in their prolapse over time - am so glad I didn't let the surgeon get near me!!

I agree with Louise, it needs to be checked out. It does sound like "old" blood as opposed to fresh blood which would be bright red. It may be originating from the fallopian tubes or high in the uterus, or who knows where else. Needs investigation.

Now if it is yellowish, I think that is more normal. But any brownish... might be blood. Should see the doctor.