prayers for Louise


This is a post for Louise, hoping she is safe and sound as tremendously high temperatures and fires ravage the SE of Australia. I believe she lives in the SW and don’t know if the weather has been similar there.

Hoping you get your computer problems solved soon, Louise, and praying that all is well. You are greatly missed!


I do so miss Louise and have been wondering where she has been and if she is OK. I believe that she lives in SW Australia. I'm praying that all is well with her also.

XX Goldfinch

HI All

Thanks for your prayers.

Yeah! I'm OK and the computer has survived radical surgery.

We have had our share of fires in the SW of Western Australia (but not near us), and it has been very hot, but it is the hottest time of year and bushfires and heat are what we expect in January! Sadly, so many fires are started intentionally. Ah, but it is lovely to sleep all night with only the weight of a light sheet.

The eastern states are in general much more heavily populated outside the cities than WA and much more hilly and inaccessible for emergency services vehicles, *and* there is nothing like the weather or bushfires to produce graphic footage for the tele news. It must have been terrifying and devastating for the families concerned. My heart goes out to them. Yes, nature is indeed powerful, and bites back with avengence when we offend her.



Glad to know that you are safe and all is well. You have been missed!
