My story


Hi all, I'm new to this forum, but not new to prolapse. Well, actually...

I have 3 kids living, 2 who's passed, 4 delivered vaginally, 1 cesearean.
The last kid was 13 years ago.

I've been faithfully having my annual PAPs for the last 7 years and was only told last July that I had a uterus prolapse by my family practitioner. He told me to see an OB to verify.
I made an appointment with one who saw me and said "nothing was wrong, I'm perfectly fine!"
Being that this was about my organs falling out, I went for a second opinion. The OB said I had mild cystocele and rectocele, that I shouldn't worry about it.
My main question was, how did I get this "all of a sudden"? I came to the conclusion on my own that it was because I was doing squats with weights prior to the diagnosis. I lift weights almost daily, but I think it's the squats that got me. I also had gotten onboard with a fire department 3 years earlier.
Well, I continued the kegels. I also checked myself regularly and found that this bump felt big enough to be another cervix. I actually thought this bump WAS my cervix and that this prolapse was worse than what the OB said. I went back to the OB and asked him to check if this was my cervix and to "paint me a picture" to what I was actually feeling. He said it was actually a urethrocele with a cystocele, second degree. I asked him to fix it through surgery and he agreed to.

I just had surgery last Friday and had to go home with a catheter (got that taken out yesterday!). When I woke up after surgery, I didn't feel much pain. My swollen bladder hurt much more than the surgery itself. There was minimal bleeding and now little spotting since Saturday. I'm back to work and more worried about busting the stitches than anything else. I stay away from the gym for the next 2 weeks and hopefully can go back to light lifting after that. I'm on leave from the fire dept for 6 weeks or until the doc gives me the green light. I hope the lack of pain and bleeding is a good sign and means a good recovery. I can only hope...

HI Leneley,

I hope that you are continuing to recover well. I'm sorry to hear about the what you've been going through.
This probably didnt happen all of the sudden, but for most of us is about a lifetime of ill postures where our organs are not supported, for some straining on the toilet, giving birth in a less than optimal way, eating badly... All these things contribute, and over time lead to a point where we find ourselves with prolapses. many of us can look back and see moments when they showed themselves before, but perhaps then resolved temporarily, before becoming more severe.

You will find that this site is primarily women who are looking to find non surgical ways of addressing their prolapses. If you are looking for women who have been through surgery to share post surgical experiences and tips I imagine there are yahoo groups or other forums online, with more women who can give you their post surgery experiences.

I hope that you recover well and have no further problems.


Hi Lenely

Hope you don't mind my shifting your topic to the Pelvic Health Forum, where it is more appropriate.

