vaginal hysterectomy and anterior and posterior repair


Can I benefit from Christine's DVD even if I had hysterectomy almost two years ago? I still struggle with stiffness in groin area and bulge in the vaginal area. I suspect it is the bladder causing the bulge. I also have a monarc sling put in to hold my bladder up.


Hi Rain,

Some of the movements in the video may actually worsen your symptoms...sorry! For instance, we sit on the floor and move our belly in circles around the circumference of our sit bones. Although a wonderful way to move the bladder forward toward its natural position, I shudder to think that this might also be the perfect exercise for dislodging a sub-urethral sling! I want to focus primarily on the needs of the post-hysterectomy woman, but have a lot of other work in front of me right now.

Check out the FAQs to learn about Whole Woman Posture. This is certainly a safe place to start and we are here to answer any additional questions you might have.

Wishing you well,


Good answer Christine. It is tempting to advise women to "suck it and see", but the reality is that the post-hysterectomy pelvic area has been radically changed structure-wise and to advise a woman to embark on a workout designed for women whose pelvic structure has not been altered would be risky both for Wholewoman and for the woman who wants to do the workout.

Endorsing the workout post-hysterectomy would be like advising a person with surgicallyl-fused spinal discs to take up wrestling!

