Whole Woman Book


I just ordered Saving the Whole Woman and I am looking forward to getting it!! So there really is hope out there for us??? YIPPEE!!! Thank you Christine!...Cheryl

Cheryl, Christine's work is based on natural female posture which is a result of the body using its own structures to support itself and the pelvic organs. When repairs are done to the pelvic area, tissue is often cut away, often moved, and usually organs are suspended from places they were never designed to be suspended from. Instead of the organs being enclosed in a three dimensional web of fascia like a lot of bags of jello, they are instead hung by their tops from the bones of the pelvis and sacrum, and the left over bits of tissue cut away and the edges sutured into a new shape. This prevents their from assuming their natural positions ever again.

Yes, Christine has had a repair procedure and the results of that procedure have been scarring and misalignment of the organs. As I understand it the surgical damage is the main limiting factor for her further recovery. This is why I said to you that you *might* get some benefit. I don't think I have ever read posts from post-surgery women saying that they have gained immense benefit from Wholewoman techniques, but equally I haven't seen any from women saying it does not work for them at all.

It makes great sense to me to try it, as your options are limited to trying it or undergoing more surgery. Even if you do give Wholewoman a really thorough and good try, it may not make much difference as your insides have been surgically altered.

You will probably not gain much benefit from the posture if your organs *cannot* move forwards because they are bound into an upright position by sutures and scar tissue from previous surgeries and the stretching into posture may give you pain. Loose clothing around the belly will give you the best chance of ensuring that your belly can expand to accommodate your bladder and uterus, but if they are stuck back, and up, they cannot utilise that room. A diet that will keep your bowel light and stools soft will allow your bowel to move the stool more easily but if the rectocele is locked into position by scar tissue it may not be able to straighten out sufficiently to make the rectocele recede for easier motions. The exercises designed by Christine are designed to be done in Wholewoman posture and may worsen your POP if done with the organs suspended over the vagina where they can easily descend. So without Wholewoman posture you cannot safely do the exercises.

Cheryl, my encouragement to give Wholewoman a try is a positive, proactive approach but it would be remiss of me to give you any assurance that it will improve your POPs, because of the factors above. However, I am completely untrained medically, have no idea how much scarring you have internally or where your organs are now anchored. I do not know if it will help. Nobody knows. You can try it. Realistically, that's all I can really say. We have no evidence one way or the other.

Hope this is not too negative a response.


Two failed vaginal prolapse surgeries (2001 & 2006)..mesh disconnected and eroded into the bowels, necessitating a temp loop ileostomy 2008. Now dealing with vaginal prolaplse once more..is there hope??

Thank you for your reply Louise. You were not being negative...just realistic. I realize I will not recover from this last prolapse due to previous surgical procedures. All I am looking for here is for hints as to how to make it a bit more comfortable/manageable. I wasn't aware, for example, that Replens could offer some comfort. I tried it and it does. I am hoping that the book will just give me some other hints that I can take and tweak for my own relief. Thanks! Cheryl~~~

Cool. You will certainly gain a better understanding of how the female body works. Stick around the Forums too.



Two failed vaginal prolapse surgeries (2001 & 2006)..mesh disconnected and eroded into the bowels, necessitating a temp loop ileostomy 2008. Now dealing with vaginal prolaplse once more..is there hope??

I have cancelled my Whole Woman book purchase!...Cheryl

There's always hope. One day at a time.

Oh Cheryl, leave your heart open to hope - I will keep you in my prayers. (((HUGS)))

“Dum spiro, spero"