coughing and sneezing


I am coming down with my yearly cold and cough. I am so afraid this year that the coughing and sneezing will make my prolapse worse. In fact last year I coughed so hard I wonder if that didn't start some of the downward movement of my bladder. Any suggestions to get through this? Would a tampon or sea sponge help support things better during this time? I can get a cough med from my doctor, but I usually have to take codeine to stop the cough and that makes me so drowsy. If it's not one thing it's another! Thanks, Connie

if you search on cough there are some good suggestions around how to cough
what i remember is to bend your knees, bend forward from the hip flexors, relax your stomach completely, and cough. if you are in bed, bring your knees up to your chest--but do a search and there was a great thread on this last year??? with good suggestions

hope you feel better soon!!! not fun being ill...and i know the fear of coughing ;-(
take care

Hi Connie

If it is an *annual* cold, maybe it is not a cold at all.

I used to get a similar thing that left me coughing for months. After many years it eventually didn't go away, leaving me wheezing and having coughing bouts all day and at night 24/7. Yes, I am sure it was a major factor in the worsening celes.

It was diagnosed and treated as asthma and I had about three years of heavy asthma medication, which still did not control it. It got to a stage where I was scared to spend significant times out of doors during spring. My asthma specialist reached a dead end cos it wasn't classic asthma as far as he was concerned. He thought it was-sinus related, and I know there was some sinus involvement.

I was pretty jacked off by all these well-trained doctors who just filled me with poison and left me no better off. I weaned myself of the cortisone inhaler, using only Ventolin for a few weeks then I did a Buteyko breathing course (google it). It is about breathing only through the nose and slowing down the normal breathing rate by training your brain to deal with more carbon dioxide (which actually *helps* the oxygen to get out of the bloodstream into the tissues). This keeps cold air out of your lungs, and pollen and other environmental pollutants, because the nose is very convoluted; designed that way to filter and warm the air. I didn't cough so much, so my throat and lungs were not being shaken about all the time, so irritation settled down, slowly and steadily. The coughing had been, in fact, exacerbating itself. Within a couple of months the hacking coughing had gone. Within eighteen months the bronchitis had gone for good. Within three years it was easy to clear my sinuses. Within four years my sinuses were completely clear. Coughing is now not a problem for my POPs, (unless I swallow something the wrong way!) and I no longer get annual 'colds', just occasionally, and then they never develop into the bad coughing stage.

The course was not claimable under health insurance, but I figured that it has now paid for itself well and truly as a result of not having to take a full unpaid day off work to go to a city specialist and the expensive medications that I do not have to buy.

I strongly suggest that you research this and investigate where you can do one of these courses. It has literally changed my life miraculously. I still cannot believe what happened.



Thank you both for your replies. I will spend some time today doing some further research. Louise, I have had asthma for over 20 years. Too many years of smoking, I quit 7 years ago but I still have the effects. I will check into the breathing technique, I thought I had heard of everything for asthma by now, but this is new to me. I went back on a steroid inhaler for a few days while I am coughing and it does help. I don't like to use it on a regular basis, but you got to do what you got to do! My cystocele is still so low today, I thought when my period started to let up it would improve but not so far. I read an old post yesterday that really helped. You said it would take a major trauma for the prolapses to get considerably worse, that they will come to vaginal opening or slightly beyond but never fall much further. That helped alot. I can cope with things as they are, but the fear of having everything rubbing between my thighs someday had me worried sick. I am being very careful so I hope never to have a major trauma that would cause that to happen. Thanks again for the encouragement. Connie

Connie- that was one of the first turning moments for me. To learn that the worst case was a ball of tissue the size of a softball outside my body- and that the only documented cases of this were in surgically repaired women. It seems for those of us here the absolute worst is protruding slightly beyond the vaginal opening - and you guys correct me if I am wrong but this is mostly in the case of uterine prolapse with out the rectocele and cystocele to hold the cervix in. Amazing really. At the time I decided if that was the worst thing I would just shove it all in and get in bed with a good book.
I love to know what the worst case scenario is. Then I feel like if I can make my peace with that- then I can handle anything in between if it comes.
and good for you for quitting- your lungs are still healing aren't they?

I don't know how well known it is in your part of the world. There are quite a few practitioners in Western Australia. It originated in Russia about 50 years ago, so of course the West never recognised it as valid. They probably couldn't read the research papers!

I was referred to Buteyko by a local acquaintance who had cured her serious asthma about two years before, and her two cousins had the same experience. I figured it was worth checking out. The fear of not being able to breathe, and getting worse was my motivator. A bit like POP, eh?

My chest x-rays showed what I was told was irreversible thickening of the lining, not surprising as I have had these long term coughs ever since I was in mid-primary school, from memory. I haven't had reason for more x-rays, but I couldn't wheeze to save myself these days.

Hope you have some success. Beats codeine.

