pregnancy update...3rd trimester


Hey you guys- I know I have probably talked about my prolapse here and there over the last few months but I thought I might do one more official update.
My last week looked like this: Monday- clean out all kitchen cabinets, wash all the tiny baby clothes and blankets (pink and blue) Tuesday- take large area rugs outside and wash them, rearrange my bedroom, clean out garage, Wednesday-wash all windows outside and in, Thursday-clean backyard and porch, make curtain for my room. Tomorrow I don't have anything on my to do list- but perhaps I will do something on dh's list. All this plus make breakfast, lunch and dinner for my family, keep my house very clean (sweep, mop, sort toys etc), and I still have energy at the end of the day.
I am going crazy with the spring cleaning and nesting.
And no sign of my prolapse. Sure it is there- but even with all the hard work it has been asymptomatic.
I had a goal to gain only 15-20 lbs and did not meet that goal. But I quit gaining a month or so ago and have gained just about what I gained with the other three pregnancies. The weight does not seem to matter at all this trimester. I know it made a difference in the early part of the pregnancy- but now it just doesn't seem to matter at all.
I am still eating well. I added yogurt to my diet without any problem (!!!!) and have a yummy smoothie every morning. I needed the protein for sure.
basic rambling I guess. This trimester has been the best yet for my prolapse.
I am big as a house but keep my belly button pointed at the floor as much as possible. Our baby is seriously head down and deeply engaged in the pelvis-
interestingly enough I have no trouble lifting my tailbone-so the baby must not be that low yet. Posture is almost unavoidable my shape seems to demand it.
I can tell my pregnant days are numbered.

I love that word, and the concept. Sounds like you are in it full throttle! I'm glad for you that you feel so good and energetic. I remember (not so long ago!) feeling absolutely fabulous in the last days prior to delivery. I would get the, "you look ready to pop, here, take a load off," but I felt I could move mountains! Glad that your prolapses are on their best behavior as well! Best wishes for you, your new little soul in the making, and your family as a whole.

Hi Alemama

Grinning my face off here, reading about your energy filled days in late pregnancy!

What is your due date? Or don't you have one?

I do remember that powerful feeling in the last week or so of my third pregnancy. I have never felt so powerful, energy-filled and purposeful in my whole life! My other two labours were induced, a long way from home, and it was at that point in the third pregnancy I realised what I had missed out on with the other two. The third completely natural, and spontaneous birth, only 45 minutes drive from our country maternity hospital, was *so* satisfying and joyful (apart from poor DH who was physically exhausted from walking me around the hospital for hours during labour!)!

That feeling of power, a real high, lasted right through my hospital stay and beyond. I admit I did upset a few senior nurses along the way by going against the rules, but they needed somebody to stand up to their petty bureaucracy! I won several battles.

Maybe I should hire a woman in the last stages of pregnancy to clean my house now? Any volunteers? (just kidding)

Alemama, enjoy these last weeks/days. I look forward to hearing progress reports every now and again. Best wishes for your labour and the birth of your baby.



are you about to have a baby, or what? How far away? Sounds like you're right there. Your experience is and will be an inspiration to women with prolapse wanting to have another baby. How great you feel so well. I had a friend, undiagnosed pop, in 3rd trimester, absolutely aching with pressure of baby in pelvic cavity. What's the difference, I wonder. She didn't know about this site until I told her right before had baby -- don't know if she ever showed up here. Blessings in your last days of pg -- thinking of you and can't wait to hear news of baby's arrival.


Sounds like you are good and ready to have that baby! Everyone must be so excited at your house. I do not remember having the kind of energy that you have at the end of my pregnancies..but then again, that was a looong time maybe I did and just don't remember. It will be intersting to see if my dd goes through that.

Wish you a happy, healthy birthing! We'll all be anxious to hear the news!

Warm regards,



Best of luck to you with your impending birth. I had a ton of energy right before my daughter was born last May. In fact the day before she was born I dug up my flower beds and replanted. I found I had a ton of nervous energy for about a week after she was born too(don't remember that with my son).

My question is........where has all the energy gone?????????? I would kill for a nap.

I am praying all goes well with the birth and recovery. I hope your prolapse situation is quick to return to some form of normal.

you sound awesome. I can't believe you're already in the home stretch.
sending gentle labor vibes your way

Godspeed, amazing must it be to give birth fully conscious. I think I would like to birth in a wide, second position plie and hold the baby’s head and shoulders as he/she is born. Have you thought about this possibility? Lots of love and best wishes for a beautiful birthing day. Christine

Maybe I should make Alemama a little pink maternity tutu so she can practise? The mind boggles (in the nicest way possible)!

L :-)