postpartum progress


I'm at 2 months postpartum, after discovering my prolapsed uterus and bladder at 2.5 weeks out. I thought I'd talk a little bit about how things have been going, just as a point of reference for the next panicked and sleep-deprived newbie.

I was definitely feeling the prolapse(s) constantly, with I would say moderate to major discomfort and occasional pain, until about six weeks. Then I got busier (my husband went back to work full-time, after being able to do part-time until then), and simply didn't think about it as much, but still felt discomfort pretty frequently. At 7 weeks I took a trip and realized that it wasn't bothering me much at all. Now at 8.5ish weeks, I notice it at the end of the day, and if I take a long walk. I have successfully worn my baby for 45 minutes without aggravating things too much.

When I check with a mirror, my bladder seems to have moved back up a centimeter or so. It doesn't fill the vaginal opening like it was; it droops into it for sure, but doesn't create a "seal," if that makes sense. (It does that at the end of the day and after a long walk like I mentioned, whereas it had been like that at all times.) My cervix is also very, very slightly higher than it was. Some days, I am optimistic that it will continue to move back up. Other days, I am content to assume that it will stay real low, and I will live with it. Either way, I'm not freaking the heck out like I was a month ago.

What I have been doing: working on the posture whenever I'm standing, and I mean every single time I'm on my feet. Avoiding all straining on the toilet, and to achieve that I've changed my diet pretty drastically. I ordered the book, and though I've never found an unbroken stretch of time to do the entire workout, I've learned pieces of it to do randomly throughout the day. I also do inversions whenever I can.

What I haven't done: I haven't been able to avoid sitting wrong. My baby wants to nurse all day long, and sidelying is difficult for us for whatever reason. So I slouch on the sofa more than I'd like, and I sit propped on pillows in bed for lots of each night. I notice this in the form of back pain more than prolapse, probably, but in any case I hope to improve my sitting habits long-term, because I can tell how much proper standing posture is already improving the way I feel about myself.

I read on here all the time and usually don't chime in because I have nothing to add, but I am eternally grateful for the wisdom of Christine and all the women here.

thanks for keeping us posted on your experience
I'm sure there are many new moms reading this and finding it helpful. I'm so happy to hear that things are getting better. I also think you are wise not to worry about the sitting right now. in time, when the baby is bigger and nursing in alternate postions is easier and your abdominal strength is back, you'll likely find the sitting posture is easier to fit into your day.

enjoy that baby! they get big so fast...

Thanks for your posting. Sounds like your baby is just days older than mine. My baby girl was born on January 25th! I think I'm feeling quite similar to you. I developed my prolapse in my second trimester and it made for a very uncomfortable pregnancy - especially the last 6 weeks. It felt sooooo good to have the belly weight off!

I didn't do much for the first couple of weeks and also didn't go looking for my prolapse! I'm doing more and more now and am very mindful of the posture. I still feel my prolapse - although 1 day I thought it was gone! Some days are worse than others and I still can't figure out what I've done to make it worse/better. I'm still afraid to go looking on my own (my OB made me look). I know my urethra is always peeking and probably my bladder. I am able to go on a 1/2 hour to 45 min walk with my dog, sometimes babywearing, sometimes not.

Oh no, baby is crying. I'll update later!


Thanks for posting your progress, Rita! How I would have loved to read you positive post when I was earlier post partum! It really does seem like you are doing well, and I wish you continued healing and wellness. I wish I had found and started this work as early as you did. I will be posting my own report in a week or two. Here's praying we all continue to get better and better and better and better . . . .

Davemayamom -- I also can't figure out what makes things better or not. I swear I can do the exact same thing two days in a row, and one day I can't see a trace of the bulge, the very next day it's like I made absolutely zero progress. Blech!

Yeah, I try not to think too much about day-to-day comparisons, because the worse days seem to come about for no particular reason (like today-- did I jinx myself by posting a positive report last night?).

Hey all you nursing Mommas
Have you tried lying half on your back and half on your side, by putting a long bolster behind you and leaning back on it? This will allow most breasts to be positioned for correct attachment, but is easier on your body than straight side lying if you are suckling for any length of time.

You could use a rolled up foam mattress or rolled up floor rug, anything reasonably resilient with a diameter of 9-12 inches, that has some weight so it won't slip out from under you. Full body length is best, cos it supports your hips as well as your shoulders. I have seen full body pillows, ie a pillow 5 foot long in a chainstore. Not expensive.

